What’s up good men, if you have ever dealt with serious stress daily and have overcome it how did you do it???

  1. Several ways… First, I worked out obsessively. It was my stress release. Then I would go to my martial arts dojo and practice judo. Stress release also involved petting my dog and riding my motorcycle.

  2. One way to reduce my stress is to have a daily schedule. One of those 24 hour schedules where you fill in every hour with some type of activity/responsibility. of course you’re not gonna use every hour because you need to rest and things of that nature, but when I have a structured day, it lets me take care of the daily responsibilities so I don’t feel overwhelmed and therefore less stressed.

    I also try to work on each life domain to a reasonable amount every single day. I go to work, I don’t cut corners. I recently started going back to school so I give myself a few hours to study. I give myself 1 to 2 hours of fuck around time where I just do whatever I feel like or indulge in one of my hobbies. I give myself one hour of cleanup time where I make sure my home has some type of order.

    I also add sleep to the schedule.

    if you keep your day-to-day life organized, your overall stress will be substantially reduced because you are incrementally working on all your responsibilities on a continuum.

    tldr: Keep a daily schedule and stick to it, it will reduce your overall problems

  3. Turning the negative energy into positive energy and putting it into my relationship with my daughter. The world can fucking burn for all I care…but as long as that baby girl is alright, I’ll keep fighting

  4. Talk to someone who’s been thru similar shit. Exercise, not even anything crazy, I have a physical job and throwing heavy shit around releases a lot of anger and stress. My routine is so rigid I don’t really stray away from it which helps me not sit around thinking too much.

  5. Not taking what I *DO* have for granted, appreciating it for what it is, this helps a lot with overall satisfaction. It’s not to say don’t have dreams and aspirations because that’s the driving force of life, but always remember to be “happy in the moment” with where and what you have in your life.

    And a great piece of advice I was told that helped immensely “your life is yours, it’s not a race or more importantly a competition-if you make it so, you’ve already lost”

  6. I do something nice for someone else or my family. Like bring a treat home or a small gift. Their positive reaction is contagious and I find myself understanding that life is great and it’s gonna be ok.

  7. Hit the gym and make your mind distract you from your daily worries with physical stress, all while youre making yourself healthier and more physically attractive

  8. I just go on a walk and listen to my indie playlist that’s how I deal with it.

  9. Had a professional help me process trauma/got medicated for anxiety/regularly exercise/practice mindfulness. Also I worked to focus on my overall health. When I was stressed with my physical health I set goals, when I noticed my mental health declining I got professional help, when I felt unfulfilled I hustled to get a new job, when I felt lonely I tried to expand my social circle. Identify the source of your stress and go from there. If all your needs are met you’ll be surprised how little stress you feel.

  10. I use magic mushrooms a few times a year. Meditating and working out also do wonders.

  11. Its my biggest drive, self critic and feeling like I am on a high speed train with no stop, and if there are walls on the way, its either me or them.

    Call it overcoming or not, it brought me the most success in my life.

  12. i keep my days as busy as i can. working 9-5 everyday, working out 3 times a week with my coach, making music, hanging with friends. the stress took some of my abillity to eat so my stomach is making me some hard times last weeks and i dont know what to do about it sadly but its gonna get better i guess

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