Hello. I am a 25 female and my significant other is 30 Male.
My man has expressed that porn is the only thing that he can’t let go of.
I understood and I reasoned with him that porn is okay and I also told him that I masturbate too.
I only masturbate when my significant other isn’t here.
It’s not the same for my significant other.
He uses it all the time. I’m taking during sex, after work, in the morning etc.. today I was horny and what my significant other do. He went into the restroom and locked himself in. Also, in his social medias he follows women and we had a no follow rule. Yet he didn’t respect my wishes.
When I told him that I too will be following the opposite sex he got defensive and an argument started.
Any way to work around this? Of any advice. Thank you.

  1. The rate he does it is really unhealthy and you should probably try to get him some help and explain to him that he’s breaking your one rule and you were telling him you would as well since he had no regards for your feelings

  2. Redflag🚩🚩🚩
    Not respecting your boundaries, sounds like he isn’t mature enough to have a conversation and compromise. He wants all the cake to eat himself whilst restricting/ controlling you.

  3. The no follow rule seems very toxic.

    Aside from that. He’s addicted to porn. He needs professional help because that’s not healthy

  4. Redflag city over here.

    You put up boundaries and he just straight walked all over them. That is not okay to do in a relationship and a major redflag.
    I also derive from your post he is stoping you from following/interacting with other males, while not upholding this standard himself.
    Second strike in my opinion.

    Last the problem with masturbation:

    It is scientifically proven that masturbating is normal an healthy.
    Your partner seems to need “visual input” for that and that is okay as long as he is communicating that to you.

    Where it get unhealthy is at the point where it starts do effect your relationship.
    Maybe your partner should let himself check for a porn-addiction or similar.

  5. Imagine wanking in the bathroom when your lover is over. Pretty weird and embarrassing. Wanking when no one is home or watching together is fine. Sounds like he has a porn addiction, good luck, you’re probably worth more than that

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