You’re on Chris Rocks team or Will Smiths team?

  1. Violence should never be used unless it is in self defense. Smith clearly overreacted and used force inappropriately. Rock’s joke may have been in poor taste given Pinkett Smith’s medical condition, but it’s no excuse for violence.

    I didn’t watch it live but saw the clips this morning.

  2. “If one slaps the host of an award show no one watches, was there ever really a slap?”

  3. The joke was probably in bad taste, at least for the venue, but what Smith did was completely unacceptable.

  4. The joke wasn’t in great taste, but then again, neither is marching up on live TV with a open palmed slap like you’re the fucking Scarlet Pimpernel.

    I want more celebrity fights. I wanna see Robert Downey Junior run over Seth Rogan with his car next year.

  5. You don’t go to the Oscars and assume you are above getting roasted. Everyone knows that. This isn’t Will Smith’s first rodeo, right?

  6. I don’t watch or care about the Oscars, but when I misread the headline as ‘Will Smith slapped ‘THE ROCK’ as in Dwayne Johnson, I admit I was interested for about a minute. That’s a tussle I’d like to see….

    Then I found out what really happened, went back to not caring.

    Although it reminds me of something that happened ages ago. Joan Rivers used to do this fashion police thing on E! and an actress (forgot who it was) showed up at some event wearing a hat. Rivers made fun of it, turns out she also had some kind of ‘hair’ condition. Rivers later apologized, actress said it was no big deal.

  7. Team Chris

    Will could’ve easily blown up at Chris backstage.

    Smacking Chris shows a total lack of class and the inability to control his actions.

  8. If it were the Dwayne Johnson instead of Chris Rock Will Smith would have remained seated.

  9. As someone who has followed Chris Rock since he was on SNL, it’s shocking to me that one of the least offensive jokes he’s ever told at one of these events is the one that gets the most heat.

    He also lit up Jada 10x worse last time he hosted, wonder if there was bad blood

    “Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna’s panties, I wasn’t invited”

  10. I am on nobody’s side, because nobody is on my side.

    But seriously, the joke was in poor taste, but Will Smith made an absolute fool out of himself.

  11. Chris Rock because obviously. Just to add the audience giving him a standing ovation shortly after when he won the Oscar was almost more cringe then the assault.

  12. Rock. You can’t just go around assaulting people because you’re offended..unless you want to face the repurcussions.

  13. Chris Rock is a comedian. They take jabs at people even if it’s fucked up. Ricky Gervais took many fucked up jabs at many people and no one slapped him. (For the record, Ricky Gervais is my favorite comedian.) Will Smith’s reaction was way out of line and the Oscars should have escorted him out then and there, not allowed him to accept an award and give a 5 minute speech after. It showed millions of people that violence was acceptable in that instance, which it absolutely wasn’t. It really did not send a good message and it sucks that it happened the way it did.

  14. Chris Rock. If anybody other than Will Smith or an A-List celebrity did this, they’d have been escorted out and arrested. The joke was in poor taste, but he’s a comedian and Will is an adult. You don’t go smacking people in the face over a joke, no matter how much you disliked it. It sets a terrible example regarding physical violence.

  15. I rock with rock. Way way way more offensive jokes have been said without this kind of reaction. This cannot be a precedent. It’s not even a question.

  16. Easily on Chris Rock’s team.

    You don’t respond to a mild joke with violence. If Jada has cancer, I’d understand. However, she doesn’t.

    Also, Chris Rock is a comedian. It’s to be expected.

  17. Smith could have gotten up, walked on the stage, walked Rock over to his table and made him apologize. That was a choice.

  18. I’ve watched my mom struggle with alopecia for years, and there’s a chance I will develop it too, so I understand what a sensitive issue this is for women who struggle with it and I get what A Big Deal it is for Jada to shave her head. I don’t expect people who haven’t lived it first hand to understand the emotional toll this takes on women, and I feel like joking about a bald woman’s appearance requires you to *know* them, which I’m assuming Chris Rock does not.

    However, that’s no excuse to hit Chris Rock. Blast him on twitter later, sure, but don’t walk on stage and get physical. Come on, people, we learned “keep your hands to yourself” in preschool.

  19. Chris rock showed class.

    He’s a small dude- comedian and was assaulted by the guy who played Muhammad Ali.

    Chris let it slide

    Personally I would have gone straight into got cheated on jokes but Chris rock is a better man than I

    He should be recognized for being the bigger man

  20. The Oscar’s fucking suck but team Chris Rock. He’s a comedian. His job is to make jokes, oftentimes at the expense of others. I feel like Will Smith should understand this and know the drill after spending 30 years in Hollywood…but I guess not.

    My real big takeaway from this is that it’s a bad idea to punk slap someone on national television infront of millions of people.

  21. Chris Rock.

    Will Smith was way out of order, and will forever now be known as the guy who slapped a presenter on the Oscars, ultimately he’s overshadowed his own Oscar win by acting like a thug.

    Also, the joke was shit. Anyone that isn’t a celebrity boot licker didn’t know Jada had alopoecia, and Rock used a reference to a late 90s film that even more people had forgot existed.

    Of all the hills for Will to die on, this one is pretty damn small.

    Will be yet another test for Hollywood, are they going to show they still follow their own status quo of the bigger the celeb the more shit they can get away with. Or are they going to grow up and at least pretend to have a slither of morality.

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