Me (M18) and my girlfriend (F18) of about 2 years usually get on really well but there are times where she is really really stubborn and it causes arguments.

The worst time happened today where I recently got her a job at my work place by asking around and getting something sorted. When I told her she had the job she said I love you and thank you and all of that.

Two days after emailing her details and sending an email of with a link which must be signed and completed in 7 days she then hasn’t heard anything back yet and it’s coming up to a long 4 day weekend so unless it’s done Monday then she has to spend an hour and a half re doing the setup.

This morning I said send them a chasing email and see what’s happening just a small one. And my girlfriend goes no it’s not my place I’ve done my part they need to do theirs. I tell her but these things happen in the work place you have to chase people up once in a while.

My girlfriend then tells me she isn’t doing the form again if they don’t get it signed off in time because it took too long to do in the first place. So I tell it only takes 5 mins and that way you know you’ve covered everything.

This then went back and forward for 20 mins of me telling her to chase them up and her refusing to and saying if they don’t then she won’t do it again. Which essentially means she won’t get the job.

I don’t know whether I’m pushing too much or being unreasonable but it feels like she isn’t really grateful for this job even tho it’s what she wanted.

Any advice on what to do would be great because it’s really fustrating me

  1. Sometimes people need to learn things for themselves. You did her a favor by getting her a job. Now she might lose this opportunity and learn that way or maybe she is right and they’ll follow up. Sometimes you have to agree to disagree for the relationship.

  2. If she doesn’t wanna do it, then don’t force her. She will realise the actions of her attitude hopefully soon enough

  3. There’s a very old saying my friend, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

    You really stuck your neck out for her, but she has to do this on her own from here.

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