See title.

Cost of a haircut at my usual place has gone up to £15. Now I always tip my barber because they’re good guys, but I don’t really carry change around and £5 seems too much?

If I wanted a £20 haircut I’d go to another barber. lol. What would you tip?

  1. None. You’ve already paid for the haircut and presumably the barber isn’t being held against their will.

  2. I would tip £0 because the barber has charged you already for his service. This isnt America where we tip people for just saying hello.

  3. Do you also tip your postman everytime they deliver mail? What about the bus driver on your way to work? Perhaps the same amount as your cashier at the shops?

  4. This is the uk, we rarely tip because we pay staff a reasonable wage. Only time folk do tip is in restaurants, even then it is only a few quid.

  5. I used to pay £20 per cut an one day I just gave up so now I jus do it myself lmao went from sexy ass skin fades to a buzz cut an for some reason I’m still getting girls 😂

  6. I usually tip barbers, but £15 is just too much to justify a tip.

    What’s wrong with carrying a couple spare pound coins though anyway?

  7. You don’t tip. The price of the hair cut covers all costs. Let’s not be having any of that nonsense over here.

  8. 15 quid for a haircut?! When I started thinning on top I started shaving it off because the £5 they charged was too much haha.

  9. £16. What ever the price is, just mentally add on an extra £1. It’s £1!!! This is your hair – presumably you care about the way you look or you’d buzzcut it yourself. Just do it and move on with your life.

    EDIT – Don’t they take card?

  10. £10 tip, they charge £10. Same barbers for 5+yrs, good service and always remembers my preferences when I change styles.

    I do often wait too long between haircuts so it’s probably more a guilt tip 🤣

  11. Nothing. This is the UK you don’t have to tip.

    That being said if it was £14 or £18 etc I’d round up to the nearest ten as a tip – even if just because I don’t like carrying too many coins.

  12. Usually do £1 or £2 depending on what I have in my pocket. I only had a £20 note last time I went so used card to avoid leaving a £5 tip.

  13. Okay, so a lot of people don’t tip… I thought it was a common courtesy to tip. ha. Reassuring that lots don’t though.

    They’re cool guys and to be honest I’d hate going anywhere else.

    I’ll probably just settle for £1 or £2 then.

  14. If it’s 15 I tip 5, you only go once a month and barbers don’t get paid near enough. Plus you want this guy to make you look less of an arsehole

  15. This sub hates tips to the point of being completely divorced from normal social etiquette.

    Barbers are in the ’round up’ family of tips, like taxis. This is what normal people do.

    If they charge £15 then I’d probs not tip because it’s already a round number and I don’t want a bunch of pound coins, unless I went there regularly when I’d maybe tell them to keep a couple of extra quid. If they charged e.g. £13 then I’d just ask for £5 back from £20.

  16. My barber is £22 for a trim or £27 for trim & beard, I alway round up to £25 or £30 due to being cash only and can’t be arsed for carrying coins around, probably wouldn’t tip if I could pay by card, but he does a really good job with my hair, spends time and isn’t just trying to churn you out the door as quickly as he can

    Got a good relationship with my new barber a year in, I had my precious one for 4 years before moving away but didn’t use to tip him as he was card only

  17. I pay contactless in the barbers, so he gets no chance of a tip. I only ever tip for big family meals and things anyway where they’ve kept a cake cool for us, brought it out and sang happy birthday stuff like that. I don’t tip the guy in McDonald’s cooking my quarter pounder so I’m not tipping my barber…. Don’t forget he’s still getting that money, the prices went up remember!

  18. Never really tip the barber outside of a “don’t worry about the change” if the haircut is ≈ £12 and I give them £15 cash

  19. Zero. You’re already paying an extortionate amount already My local barber only charges £8 and at the end of the day you don’t need to tip a barber

  20. Most barbers put their prices up because of lockdown and therefore had slow business (mine included). There’s no excuse now so, whilst i do get on with my barber, i pay him the price (£15 also) and maybe sometimes a single quid – begrudgingly. Its the principle, they made around £15 from me pre-COVID (with the tip).

  21. I’d leave it at £15 as it is a round number. Barbers and taxi drivers are the kind of service where if it was, say, £13.50 you would give them £15 in cash and say “keep the change” as it is a bit awkward dealing with coins and it is a nice gesture. But 15 (especially if it has just gone up), leave it there. £20 would be the next step up and that is way too big.

  22. I feel like this sub has lost it’s fucking mind lately.

    This tipping culture can fuck off back to America.

    I pay the price advertised – less if there is a problem with the product or service.

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