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  1. How did this force you to leave your religion?

    Like, i could possibly see going to a new place of worship, but just abandoning your entire religion seems like an extreme step to take.

  2. Longtime christian with a lot of spiritual trauma. You let that deter you? You can go to a different place of worship.

    He didn’t force you to leave your religion.

  3. You’re using this situation as an excuse. Annoying people cause you to leave the building and worship elsewhere.

  4. I agree with the people saying you’re being far to extreme.

    I do sort of understand where you’re coming from though it’s very irritating to answer the same question from the same person every time they see you. I had a coworker who would ask me the same question every time I came into work and I found my self waiting until she wasn’t looking to walk inside.

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