I (M 21) recently started talking with this girl (F 21) that I met on Bumble. We’ve hung out and been on a few dates and I finally kissed her a few nights ago. It felt really nice and she seems like she likes me and I like her. We’re both seniors in college but I’m not sure where I’m going for graduate school. She is a theater major and will likely be bouncing from job to job across the country, starting by moving 1000+ miles away. I am gonna talk to her when she’s back from spring break but it eats at me how this has such an acute finality to it, given how much of a career change itd require to stay near each other for either of us. I want to enjoy the time we’ve had together (briefly albeit) but it’s marred by having to talk about how it’s gonna end. What can I do to stop the sadness and just enjoy even the light casualness of an early relationship, and what should I even expect from a talk like this coming up?

  1. I can’t say I have any advice here, but it sounds like a really shitty situation. Sorry it’s so complicated.

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