How do you feel when people ask you for help?

  1. It depends on what kind of help they need, but usually, grateful that they felt comfortable asking.

  2. I’m glad I’m in a position to help and I show them not only the thing they need done but how to do it. If I can help, great. If I can teach, even better.

  3. Depends, if it’s a random emergency I don’t have time to feel but only to act. If it’s more “can you help me paint the living room next weekend” then the feelings depends who is asking.

  4. Depends on who they are. Friends or family, I’d be offended if I wasn’t one of the first people asked.
    Work? I’ll help if there is money involved.
    Strangers? Depends on the request and if I’m strapped for time.

  5. Feels good to help someone, you never how much that could improve there situation.

  6. There is literally no context to this question.

    People asking me for help doesn’t invoke feelings, it invokes action.

  7. I help them if and when I can without any expectations in return.

  8. It is excellent when they trust me to help them. But it gets annoying when the help is about money, and it is the 5th time they’ve asked me for it in a week!

  9. I depends on what it is and if they make it a habit, but I generally like to help people whenever I can.

  10. It’s hit and miss. If I can help I’m more than happy. If I can’t I feel bad.

  11. Depends on weather it’s something that they should be able to do by themselves.

  12. Depends on the help requested and who requests it. I’m happy to help friends, but I get annoyed when strangers ask me. Especially since it’s almost always something they can do themselves.

  13. Honored/flattered that they think I’m likely to be helpful, but simultaneously concerned that their confidence may be misplaced depending on the situation lol

  14. I think of the last time they helped me or if they would ever help me if I needed it. Also depends on who they are. If I don’t know them then I’m like who are you?!

  15. Mostly I fucking hate it.

    Growing up my parents “asked” me to do literally everything. I also had an issue growing up where I had to help out people in the neighborhood who treated me like shit, even after busting my ass to help them.

    I think it’s left me with some unresolved issues. Helping people is always a logical and moral thing for me. I don’t really feel good after help someone, I’m just glad it’s done.

  16. it’s funny because usually if you don’t help, especially if that person is someone close, they will be filled with hatred

  17. I don’t mind helping someone if it’s something they don’t know/can’t do. When my grandparents were alive I would do anything they asked.

    If it’s not a close friend and it doesn’t take long I’ll do it for free. Replace car parts or fix appliances etc. But you only get one free one then I charge money. My time isn’t free. I’m not your free handyman.

    Basically don’t take advantage of me.

  18. It depends. I’m a helpful person by nature. I’ve sacrificed a lot to help others and it’s not always a bad thing. But some people take advantage of kindness. My experiences with this has changed me. I’ve become a much more cynical person. I still help people, but after a while it just becomes overwhelming.

  19. Depends on what it is or where the help is being asked for. If it’s at work and a coworker(s) feels like they’re entitled to my help or that I owe them something of that sort all the time just because we work together then nope, that’s where I draw the line. I’m not an asshole, just a rugged individualist.

    In a work context, I think there’s definitely a difference between needing help because you actually seriously need it, and simply wanting help just to make it easier on yourself (or others) because you’re lazy or not even fully truly applying yourself and busting your ass. I’m not captain America to come to everyone’s rescue all the time, and I sure as hell am not gonna let anyone try and take advantage of me.

    If it’s like some consolation or life advice etc that a friend or someone is asking for then I don’t mind helping at all in that regard.

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