I genuinely can’t physically work because of physical and general health problems. I survive off disability. I feel bad paying for dates off disability, it’s a shame thing and it’s also just not much so i couldn’t do anything remotely fancy. Being a disabled cheapskate who’s not particularly good looking doesn’t seem like much of an ideal partner.

I’m not actively trying to find anyone but i want to start, the only problem is i spend most of my awake time doing hobbies (That i hope to turn into a career), like voice over work, YouTube videos and playscript/novel/short story writing. I suck at time management, how do i balance this with finding a partner? I might get enough success to make a career if i keep it up. It’s like…i want a career out of it but it might never come, but there’s pretty much a 0% chance i’ll meet anyone working on these projects.

What do i do? How do i balance creative endeavors i hope to make hobbies and trying to find a partner?

  1. Get your career on track first then worry about finding a girl. Once you got a career going you’ll have more confidence and it will show in your demeanors and girls will pick up on that.

  2. I suggest to not think about dating in your current situation. It would only end in a disaster.

  3. >i spend most of my awake time doing hobbies (That i hope to turn into a career), like voice over work, YouTube videos and playscript/novel/short story writing

    If your disability doesn’t preclude you from the potential of turning these hobbies into a full time job, what is stopping you from getting a more traditional white collar job in the meantime?

    Sure, “entry level WFH office drone” might not be as cool as “voice actor”, “writer”, or “YouTuber”, but it’s not immediately clear that it would be more taxing in any physical sense.

  4. In my case paying my own bills was a bigger deal than getting a girlfriend as far as my happiness goes.

    8 hours a day on “work”. Maybe a couple of hours on getting a GF is my suggestion. There is a diminishing return on looking for a girlfriend.

  5. I don’t want to sound mean, but if you can do YouTube videos, voice acting and such, how come you can’t get an office job? Why are you on disability?

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