asking because i was talking with friends and we all seemed to have at least one story about a guy we were seeing saying something or doing something racially ignorant.

  1. Simple politics, them said the phrase “colored people”, them making remarks about how they’ve never been with a “sister”

  2. To preface this, I’m black and white. He was really late to our first (and only) date with no explanation so I was obviously annoyed. He thought I had no right to be and said “calm down Shaniqua.” My name starts with the same first 5 letters 🙄

  3. So many things, but here are two special ones:
    I’ve had a dude straight up tell me he didn’t date black women because they are “ghetto”. To put it into perspective, he was a 42 yr old man who dated a stripper/drug addict, and needed his mommy to cosign for a mortgage (while I purchased my home at 29 without mommy and daddy giving be a cent). At least he was honest about how he really felt, right!?

    I had an ex make a stupid comment about me being a “city girl who wouldn’t be happy in the slightly more rural suburb where he lives” Based on earlier conversation, I know what he really meant was, “it’s too white down here and I can’t deal with the backlash from the neighbors, coworkers and family” (I had met his parents early on and should have run then).

    There are others, but the usual is just, “you’re not my type”

  4. I am half Mexican half polish. My (black) ex would make fun of me for being white bc fuck yt people and make fun of me for being a lazy Mexican the next. Whichever side of my ethnicity that could be weaponized in the current moment he would.

    He would lie on videogames to strangers and talk about his sexy Mexican wifey.

    He would tell his mom he was dating a white girl bc apparently that looks better.

    Tell his friends how he was a thick Latina baddie.

    Literally whichever stereotype he could fit me into that benefitted him in the moment he would use.

    I embrace both sides and I am both fully, and it would constantly piss me off

  5. Any reference to the following and I’m out:

    – swirling
    – Nubian Queen/Empress
    – caramel/chocolate skin
    – mixed babies
    – strong black women
    – my not being ‘ghetto’ (lemme guess, I’m one of the ‘good’ ones, right? 🙄)
    – “I don’t like Asian women” (WHAT?!? How did that even come up? Was I supposed to be flattered? Or was I supposed to go along with your Asian hate/racism because I’m not Asian? ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’?)
    – wanting to ‘try’ a black woman (you have no idea how many men say this upfront like we’re a selection for them to choose from, or worse, an experiment)

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