I (22M) live with my roommate (23F). We’ve been living together for about a year now but known each other for the past two years. I always knew she was attractive but before we started living together I was never attracted to her in the sense that I just saw her as a friend and nothing more.

Since we’ve moved in together those feelings have changed. She has a very bubbly personality and sometimes I think the actions she does with me come off as flirting but I also don’t think she means to intentionally flirt with me.

Examples of this being we banter back and forth poking fun at each other and jokingly calling me names. She’ll playfully hit me/touch my shoulder or challenge me to eye staring contest. Overall we have a very playful relationship.

Normally I’d just chalk this up to her personality but she doesn’t act this with her friends that are girls and right now I think I’m the only friend of hers that is a guy that she keeps in contact with besides coworkers. She’ll mention to me sometimes that the guys at her work try to flirt with her and that she doesn’t like it.

But I’m also too scared to make a move and misread any signs and mess up not only a good friendship but make my living situation unlivable. What are your advice? Am I reading things wrong? If I am how do I get over these feelings while keeping things normal?

TL;DR develop a crush on my roommate worried I’m reading things wrong, thoughts?

1 comment
  1. She trusts you, do not destroy that trust and make her home unsafe.

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