If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

  1. Probably something to do with sports. I am a hockey coach. And really enjoy that

  2. World War 2 history. As an American, I can tell you that the emphasis in our school system is how awesome the U.S. was and how we saved everyone. While our role was important and was an incredible help to the allies, I find that the British role was far more astounding, along with the ferocity of the Russian front. More *actual* history needs to be told that isn’t completely one-sided.

  3. I would like to teach basic finance in middle school or high school. That is really lacking in our public school system. Outside of that, sociology or history.

  4. How not to be a fuckup in life. The syllabus would be every decision I’ve ever made, and why it was wrong

  5. Basic home repair and maintenance. Minor electrical and plumbing repairs, hanging a door, fixing holes in drywall. Painting 101.

  6. Philosophy, specifically existentialism and or absurdism. Or photography since I have a degree in digital design and media production

  7. Law. I always kind of figured at some point I’d like to teach a class at my old law school.

  8. High-school physics. I’d be the fun teacher where we do tones of experiments like air cannons.

  9. How to pay attention to the finer details of conscious experience to better understand the computational nature of one’s mind and be better in touch with one’s intuition. Also, the functions of intuition, as well as when and how to use it.

  10. History, Sport

    Im planing to become a teacher but in history and Biology because after I had gotten Covid I have some problems with sport.

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