Is it multiple hours a day?

  1. I don’t really text anyone multiple hours a day, but my female bf is probably the person I text the 3rd most

  2. Maybe a text every few days to make plans. I don’t really have text conversations with anyone.

  3. We both have jobs and lives but we reply when we can as you should in any friendship. Generally a few messages a day normally planning stuff or keeping each other in the loop of how things are going

  4. Millennial here, I don’t text or use DM/IM much with people I know in person, I’d rather interact in person.

  5. I text her everyday. Occasionally, we go days without talking, or maybe a couple weeks when we barely talk because we’re both busy (even then, we send memes), but most of the time I’m texting her daily.

  6. Out of respect for my wife. Not that frequently. Memes and stuff a few times a week. I may be old school but too frequently just doesn’t feel right.

  7. It comes and goes. There are long stretches of time where we have no contact, and other times where we’re texting every day.

  8. Whenever we feel like talking, my girls will also text her if they want to cause we’re all close. Nobody should be talking to anybody multiple hours a day.

    That’s just the sign of someone really immature because adults have shit to do, hell even just having a basic hobby will put that out of the realm of possibility.

    Hang out with the person if you’re gonna talk that long or just call for a bit (I know I’m a boomer).

  9. I message them a few times a day. Usually just sending memes or figuring out the next thing we’re gonna do together.

  10. It has been multiple hours a day. It has been months between talking/texting. Sometimes it is just a hello or happy birthday or happy anniversary. It depends so much on what is going on in our lives. But we have been friends since she was 14 and I was 16. My best friend was in love with her but she saw him as only a friend. We hung out as a trio throughout high school. She is very attractive even now in her mid 50s, and she feels the same about me, but we never had a romantic interest. I love her whole family. She puts up with mine. My wife and her like each other a lot. It is a true platonic friendship.

  11. Out of my 4 close friends, 2 are girls.

    We have a group chat with the 5 of us that is almost constantly active, and probably message with them Individually most days.

  12. When I was younger I would hang out frequently with good female friends or female “best friends”. Sometimes would hang out with them as much as my guy best friends. But I never really spent much time texting them tbh

  13. Back when I had one we would text all day everyday… Of course I was single and she was in a relationship she hated so it probably isn’t the norm

  14. Frequently but randomly. Depending on the week/day we are both too busy to text back and forth constantly. We can carry a conversation or discussion that lasts days, with replies sometimes being instant, hours, or days later. We have a tight knit group of friends and I’m also great friends with her husband. We’ve known each other since we were kids, so it’s not weird for us. We are very similar people, much like siblings.

    Stereotypically, a lot of people don’t think males and females can be best friends. I was raised by my mom and often find it much easier to relate to and befriend women, hence my best friend being a woman. Everyone is different and it can be totally normal.

  15. A lot, like most of the day/night (if we’re not at work). Literally if we aren’t working, we’re messaging each other. Whether it’s just memes, something more serious, or just random conversations, most days we message back and forth for at least 6-8 hours (before & after work). Weekends are a different story as she’s only off Saturday & works another job on Sundays so there’s less time for us to talk in the daytime, we basically chat all night on the weekends though.

  16. Me and my best girlfriend text each other memes like once or twice a week max

  17. Fuck no. Maybe send a few texts a week

    I love my female best friend to death and beyond, but we don’t talk quite that much. Maybe see each other a couple times a year if we’re lucky.

  18. We text each other in breaks and when she is home so approximately 2/3 hours

  19. I used to (long, unrelated story) be good friends with a guy.

    We became friends before he got a girlfriend and stayed good friends even with her in the picture. In fact, me and her were good friends as well.

    We texted MAYBE once a day, but definitely a few times a week. He most definitely texted me differently than he texted her, so that boundary was set.

    It was nothing more than memes or some stupid TikTok’s.

  20. Quite a lot…. That’s what they are there for. I rarely see her at all. I specifically love bouncing thoughts off her and the constant back-and-forth. The vast majority of my female friends have been non-stop texters and that is as far as it goes… And I specifically want them there for that purpose….

    ….because most of the time, I’m not interested in what they like to do… Just in how they think and the feedback they give. FYI, she’d be the person most likely to tell me how to fix things if I have problems with my gf.

    As far as total time…. Yeah hours a day sounds excessive. Maybe a full hour once in a while… With occasional irregular replies in between. It’s the conversation topic that makes me give her more time…. Not her.

  21. I text my gay female friend all the time in our group chat. Gay girls are the best to hang around

  22. I have two female best friends, and two male best friends.

    I live one of the guys, so we talk daily. The other one I see every couple months, barely talk, but nothing changes.

    Both of my girls have the same name, we’ve never met in person, and they’re AMAZING. We talk every couple days or so to check in.

  23. Had a friend like that (Unfortunately we are no longer friends) and we used to spend hours and hours on end talking about deep stuff one moment and then joking about random shit the next.

  24. Idk how people track this. Me and my best friend can either text for a hours at a time or go days without texting each other and we just spam each other about stuff that’s going and just respond all at once.

  25. Just like i text with my boys. rarely.
    Just memes, how are you and when do we hangout.

  26. Agree with other posters. A few texts a day, maybe a phone call. Generally nothing after 5pm as I try to respect her relationship and that’s when her husband gets home.

  27. Probably just fucking around periodically throughout the day, if I’m not to lazy to say anything.

    Unless we get invested in a topic that takes longer/more close attention to work through.

  28. Once or twice a month when we want to meet up. I like talking in person to people, especially if they are that important to me.

  29. Only if one of us is having a particularly rough go of things. Most days its 3-4 messages each way. Sometimes if we’re busy we’ll go 2-3 days without messaging.

  30. As much as possible. We really lean on each other. I’m trying to make my life work out with school and work and she’s doing her best to juggle things as a single mom and also starting school. She’s my best friend- ever.

  31. We send meme’s casually through out the day. Probably a total of 15-20min total. And maybe a few extra exchanges in the group chat we’re in.

  32. Few times a week. Call it 15 minutes a week I guess. But then I don’t text much in general.

  33. I(F33) have 4-5 female friends and 2 guy friends. Two of the girls I have been friends with since we were little kids, the others I met in college. Talking to any of them ranges from daily to weekly. I am married to (M35) and he has about 3-4 close guy friends, and 2-3 girlfriends he talks to them weekly to monthly, but it will be shorter conversations if that. They usually bond over activities moreso than talking, like playing video games, board games, axe throwing, etc. but will send some life updates or jokes to each other occasionally. Neither one of us hang out with the opposite sex solo but in groups. My husband also made friends with my friend’s boyfriends and/or brothers and will talk to them as well.

    The two guys I am friends with (M35 and M34) both live farther away but we are still close and will talk and text almost daily and they both consider me to be their best friends, but I am not sure it is vice versa as I tend to get along with my female friends that I see more often and better communicate with but ultimately I feel that my husband is my best friend. My husband and I have a ton of the same interests and want to do the same things and really share a life together. Honestly though I would probably consider my girlfriends as moreso my best friends, we have known each other longer and have deeper conversations with and hangout more in person.

    So as for the guy friends, my one friend lives in WA he used to live here when he went to school and the later moved away but we stay in contact, since we went to school together we work in similar fields and talk about industry changes a lot, co-worker issues and relationship stuff back when we were dating. He is dating an amazing woman now and wants to marry here and I couldn’t be happier for them. I keep bugging him on when he is going to ask her, she suits him so amazingly well!! I have talked with her a few times, she is so loving towards him and she’s a calm and level headed person that he needs lol

    My other guy friend has the same cultural background as me, so many things in common there as far as family relations etc. we have a similar sense of humor, he was really there for me emotionally in the past when I dealt with some life issues and deaths in the family, sent me flowers and listened to me when I cried about it all. He has had the same girlfriend since I met him. She is about 7 years older than him and just has different life goals, she has an autistic son from a previous marriage and lives off of alimony and disability pay (for her son) that takes up a lot of her time, or at least she kind of uses that as an excuse to never be around or talk to us, so her boyfriend (our friend) is often lonely and feels badly about what they have going on although recently it’s been better. To me it seems like he is just a booty call for her but he wants to marry her(?) it’s a unhealthy dynamic for sure.
    They have broken up a few times (she cheated on him), and went for months without talking and then they get back together, they are still together but now he doesn’t see a future with her as he wants to get married and have a family but she is over that part of her life. She basically seemingly hates everyone and is bitter in general, me and my husband have tried to be friends with her but she just complains and talks badly about others so it’s hard to be around.

    My whole group of friends and even his family and her family thinks they should break up but they are still together. He has also struggled a lot with addiction issues in the past but he’s been clean for ten years and we have helped him with those issues and getting a job/re-entering the workforce etc. My husband talks to him and occasionally they play a video game or two together, but he messages me daily with memes or telling me about his job or just general pop culture talks (johnny depp, gun issues etc)…I have also made friends with this mom and hilariously she will call me and complain about her son in her broken english.

    I don’t know if this somehow helps at all, it really depends on your relationship dynamics are to know if it’s healthy communication or not and what is going on in our lives if we talk more or less. I hope some further insight into these relationships gives a better answer?

    So, sometimes its hours a day sometimes its a few texts a week?

  34. Decent amount, mainly short conversations about stupid shit or venting about our day for a little while. Lots and lots of memes. She is the more social one so I rely on her to tell me when there is something going on, then I come pick her up and off we go.

    I call her my little sister because we have been taking care of each other since I was around 16 and she was 11 hanging out at the library together.

  35. Few days a week, not super long texts mainly “oi how are ya fuck face?” And super dark/offensive memes we can find just back and fourth. We have deep talks on occasion but we’ve known eachother for like 4 almost 5 years. But it can be weeks between texts at times.

    We also share strong political views so we rant about that sort of stuff all the time

  36. I try text her frome time to time, if a have nothing to say a will looke for a naruto meme to send her, naruto is her favore anime.

  37. That’s a loaded question. This sounds like an argument settling sort of thing.

    I am out.

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