Typically, I dont open DMs that I get from men, I am not in a relationship, but I just dont care to use social media to date, or meet men (to me thats so creepy and weird).

In the past I would open a DM and maybe leave them on seen and I would get angry follow up texts, even calls on Instagram. So now I just dont open them. A guy messaged me yesterday and I didnt open it, and like 5 minutes later a girl messaged me and we had a full on conversation. Ends up that he was pretending to be a girl and he ended up saying how I am trash for not opening his message. And he kinda went on an anti woman rant. I ended up blocking him.

But I always thought leaving on sent was better than leaving on seen. Thoughts? Want to hear from everyone but specifically men active on Insta

1 comment
  1. If they’re strangers sending you a DM, you can just block them. You don’t owe them anything.

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