Are cookies made from scratch perceived as superior, or is store bought dough pretty much the same or better?

And does anyone actually uses store bought cookie dough to make cookies, or does everyone just eat it with a spoon? And how good is it?

  1. I make better cookies than anything from any mix I’ve ever tried.

    It’s backwards for brownies and cakes, though, for me.

  2. Cookies made from scratch are superior 10/10. I don’t personally make them, but my wife likes baking and she makes them for the kids and their friends. Absolute 🔥

  3. I used to do it a lot. And if the baker is halfway decent, they’re superior.

  4. Made from scratch is always better without a doubt. On occasion I’ll buy store bought dough if I’m feeling especially lazy, but it never tastes as good as putting in the effort to do it myself. Plus, I’ll usually end up eating the dough raw because it tastes better than when they’re baked

  5. My grandma would make the best cookies. Store bought isn’t bad, though. People use it to make cookies. I like to eat it raw a lot of the time, though.

  6. Really depends on the household. Everyone in my family has some skill in the kitchen so anytime we had cookies they were homemade.

  7. Homemade cookies or well made bakery cookies are superior to manufactured packaged cookies.

  8. Here’s my order of cookie preference:

    1. Homemade from scratch.

    2. Fresh made at a bakery.

    3. Packaged dough baked at home.

    4. “Fresh” cookies packaged at a supermarket bakery.

    5. Packaged cookies.

  9. My family always use pillsbury and the store stuff. Idc where they come from.

  10. Homemade cookies are much better. I make them occasionally. You can also make a lot more kinds of cookies than there are store-bought kinds readily available.

    Raw cookie dough is tasty. Again though I think homemade is better than store bought.

  11. I like making cookies from scratch. I don’t know about “superior” but made by hand carries more weight I guess because the maker took the time to buy the ingredients and bake them.

  12. Homemade is always better.

    Store-bought are passable depending on brand.

    Pre-made cookie dough is acceptable and a step above just buying a box of cookies. I have occasionally used to store-bought dough to make cookies.

    But yeah if I have the time and energy making them from scratch is always better.

  13. >Are cookies made from scratch perceived as superior, or is store bought dough pretty much the same or better?

    From scratch is almost always better

    > And how good is it?

    It’s not as good at raw cookie dough from scratch but it’s still pretty good, especially if you’re craving raw cookie dough and are feeling lazy, which, lets be honest, go hand in hand

  14. Scratch cookies are way better, and are the easiest baked dessert to make from scratch. More cake-like baked goods are a lot harder to get right.

  15. My wife does.

    She a fucking ninja on sugar cookies and snicker doodles.

    The secret is cream of tartar apparently.

  16. I’ve never done a blind taste test, and don’t remember the last time I bought prepared cookie dough. I’d rather do it from scratch, and have many more options that way.

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