Why do women get more attention than men do? Especially on social media. What is the cause behind that?

  1. It’s the same reason you see only beautiful ladies on the big screen while old, chubby men star alongside them. Or why porn industry is predominantly male-centered.

    Sex sells. In every way. Even on social media

  2. Because men give it to them. Attention is their currency & they have mastered ways to get it

  3. Those are the roles, the man pursues, the woman receives.

    If the man expects to receive he won’t, and the woman doesn’t need to chase.

  4. I don’t know if that’s actually true. It if it is, it’s probably because women are valued for their appearance, where as men are valued for their achievements. It’s easier to look pretty than it is to achieve something significant.

  5. 1) Women tend to use social media more than men do (76% of women are on social media compared to 72% of men. This difference is especially pronounced on twitter, which has 40million more women monthly users than men; and Pinterest, where 80% of their user base is women).

    2) Women tend to post more than men (on average women have 55% more Facebook posts than men do).

    3) Women tend to have more social media friends to get attention from (on average women have 8% more Facebook friends than men do).

    [Source for above statistics](https://brandongaille.com/34-interesting-social-media-usage-by-gender-statistics/)

  6. Women get pregnant and therefore are more selective than men, they are the gatekeepers of sex

  7. Why do you want more attention? Women can chase validation all they want, stay out of the spotlight and enjoy the peace and quiet haha.

  8. Men don’t generally seek the same kind of validation that women do. Natural order.

  9. Because commenting “sexy” on the pages of people you don’t know is gross and pathetic. Nobody should be spending their lives being that creep.

  10. Men give the attention. Boobs and butts and sex sells.

    Women also follow hot men on social but since men are more visually aroused in vernal it’s just easier for them to be like awwww yeah hot chick omg my pants ahhh

  11. Our egos are constantly attacked for being too big or whatever bullshit but the insane size of womens egos and the sheer amount of attention it takes to power them is unreal. I think that’s why women who don’t receive it turn so batshit and become crazy feminists etc lol

  12. women get chased, men do the chasing. societal norms tell us this is how it has to happen

  13. I think people are more aesthetically attracted to women than men , aesthetic attraction is different than sexual

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