I (27f) recently found an engagement ring receipt when doing a deep clean, he asked my father, the whole shebang. But my partner is a really good looking, goofy, life of the party kinda guy. He’s incredibly loyal, and women hit on him alot. Normally, he shuts them down politely or plays along and mentions me a bunch and i dont take offense, but what IS the best response to unrequited advances?

  1. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m (taken/engaged/married)”

    If they continue.

    “No, seriously I’m in a relationship and not interested.”

    If they don’t get the hint then just make then uncomfortable by taking it up a level.

    “You’re starting to make me uncomfortable, should I start to be worried about my own safety”

    Most men that don’t get the hint will stop after that. If they don’t you have a legit psycho on your hands and should start walking away.

  2. “I’m flattered, but I’m happily married. Hope you have a great evening though!”

  3. Do you want to go out sometime?

    My boyfriend wouldn’t like that very much

    You’re pretty

    That’s what my boyfriend says.

  4. I just tell them I’m taken and if they still try to pursue me then I’ll start acting more cold.

  5. Engagement ring , he asked your father …… and other irrelevant shit. Can’t make any sense out of the post. So obviously you aren’t taken by anyone .

  6. Situations vary, girl being flirty = flirt back because it’s fun and everyone’s self esteem is boosted. Girl makes obvious sexual advance I.e. touches me = can I introduce you to my wife ( hope for threesome). Neither of these have ever happened to me but for some reason if I admit another girl is hot it makes my wife horny and we definately fucking that night

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