Men of Reddit, what did you do to stop taking yourselves so seriously ?

  1. Realize that everything is hilarious to someone else, even the more horrid things in life, and give in to the absurdity.

  2. I didn’t “do” anything. I just realized there was no joy or benefit to being a hard ass and uptight all the time at some point and started being more playful

  3. I hit 30 and had a daughter. At that point, I became the ‘background noise’ because everyone was focused on her. It turns out I’m the focus of no one nowadays and I can sit back and take nothing seriously because no one cares.

    And that’s a good thing for me.

  4. When I realized it’s an attraction killer, for making friends and for romance.

    Nobody likes someone who can’t take a joke. We all poke fun at each other from time to time. As long as it’s not malicious, just smile and laugh and roll with the punches. You’ll be better for it

  5. I never really took myself too seriously. I’m human, life happens to all of us. It’s more enjoyable to have fun with life than be all serious about everything all of the time. You can have goals, be driven, successful, etc and still crack a joke at your own expense.

  6. I figured out at 19 that I was essentially a joke to the world. I was taking everything I did as a marker for success or something. Every little failure felt terminal because I couldn’t think that I’d fail if I took it serious. After I kinda just let it go I started to feel great about every small thing I accomplished. I wasn’t looking at things in terms of win or lose. I found that the more I let things just flow the better off I was.

  7. Once I accomplished far than I ever thought I would, I decided it would be time to sit back and smell the Roses.

  8. It’s pretty easy to do to be honest as I often feel like a joke. No but actually I do have a tendency to take things too seriously, and need to remember to take my chill pill regularly.

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