I am a skinny guy and i am thinking about getting in a really great shape with a six pack and all the great stuff. Were the results worth the effort? What differences have you seen throughout your journey? Did the girls started to like you more?

  1. I am now on call to a dozen different people who need to move furniture…..have fun

  2. I’m in good shape and I’ve definitely gotten more interest now than when I wasn’t. That being said, it’s not like girls are breaking the doors down to be with me, I’m just not as actively unattractive as I was before. But I think it’s worth it; getting in shape just feels good physically and mentally. I’m an all around happier person now, and that’s honestly more important than getting looks from girls.

  3. Don’t do it for the girls, do it for yourself, and you’ll see a change you would have never imagined.

  4. None from women. Get a few compliments from other dudes, though. I still catch women looking at me like, “Ew. Why is he looking at me? Oh god, I hope he doesn’t come say hi.”

    The biggest effect I’ve noticed, is exercise is the healthiest way to deal with anxiety, or just plain boredom. Like, it’s Sunday afternoon and I have nothing to do? Go for a walk/run until I’m falling-down-exhausted, and the rest of the day passes quickly because I’m tired.

    Feeling frustrated about my dating or single life? Go to the gym and lift heavy things. At least it feels like I’m taking positive steps to improve myself.

    Sad and lonely and feeling bad about my lack of social life? Exercise. I may not be talking to people, but at least I’m at a place where people are.

    There are way worse coping mechanisms than exercise. It’s the best way I’ve found to fill your days outside work. Doesn’t fix anything, but at least you don’t feel as bad with the endorphins going through your system.

  5. First thing — Six pack doesn’t mean you’re in shape.

    Biggest things I’ve noticed:

    1. You’ll spend more on food because you’re eating more

    2. You will spend more money on clothes because you’ll grow out of them quickly, especially in the first year.

    3. If you wear clothes that show off your physique, people will look. 5” inseam shorts, tank tops, or short sleeve shirts with a flattering cut.

    Girls love thick thighs and big backs.

  6. As in women interested? I notice it everywhere I go now. I’ve drastically changed my lifestyle & routine since deciding to self actualize and now I will never stop trying to be the best version of myself.

    The events that led to the original decision are also very valuable as they helped me gain knowledge on what to seek or avoid. So a lot of the interested women I now dodge like a bullet, and only utilise their interest as a compliment/confidence boost

  7. I’m married, no interest in other girls.

    I got myself in shape a few years for the sake of my health and it feels amazing. I have so much more energy now, I feel happier, more confident. Aches and pains from sitting around all day reduced dramatically.

  8. >Were the results worth the effort?

    100% worth it. You cannot list the benefits of exercise and eating well. literally. you cannot exhaustively list them. just as an example, you would have to list nearly all illnesses, because virtually all of them get better or are prevented or symptoms get better with good diet and exercise.

    it’s not the best motivation, but yes, you get a lot more attention from women.

    your confidence, discipline, motivation, everything is impacted, and everything impacts everything, relationship, sex, career, negotiations, getting free stuff, getting called in a crowd, job interviews, making new friends, flirting, libido, sleep, clothes, clarity of mind, energy levels, etc

    all of those compound on each other. more confidence, better sex, better sex, more confidence. better energy levels, better workouts, better workouts, better results. and so on.

    for the exact same reasons why it’s hard to stop being fat/skinny/unfit, just like it’s a cycle of negative feedback, so is every improvement you make. they will multiply with each new victory. that is a big motivation to keep going and push harder.

    I cannot think of anything right now that doesn’t improve.

  9. Women give me more attention and I randomly get hit on by cashiers, coworkers, etc. When I was fat, women barely looked me in the eyes lol. I’ve never had a six pack but I’m big and burly with a barrel chest and not much fat in the face so I look okay.

  10. I went from being either ignored or told I was “really nice” by girls when I was skinny to having girls stuffing their numbers in my underwear and asking me directly for sex after bulking up.

    Yes, it’s worth it.

    Being attractive is the greatest drug in the world.

  11. Only my fellow bros are noticing any changes. Women still back away. Will let you know once I lose more weight if this is still the case

  12. it’s not so much that girls will find you more attractive because you are muscular or in good shape, but you will be more confident to approach them. that’s what i’ve experienced at least.

  13. If you do it for women, you will be disappointed. There are multiple posts a week about people saying something to the effect of “I have gone to the gym and lifted and still no girls will go out with me.” That is because it is only part of the package, and you expect some sort of return based on that alone. If you do it for yourself, it will help with appearance, but also with confidence, and that is what really will help.

  14. Were the results worth the effort? Nope or at least not after a point. Once I got into that general “better health” zone where you get the benefits of being healthy everything after that wasn’t worth the effort. Remember the rule of threes Have a job that pays your bills, have a hobby that heals your mind, and have an activity that keeps you physically fit. If working out is your physical activity and it spills over into your mental activity then all you are doing is working and working out. You are not improving your mind or dealing with your mental heal. Being healthy certainly helps with the mental health but it it alone wont fix your problems.

  15. Started getting matches in dating apps, not that I message first because the confidence ain’t there yet… but it’s great for the ego!

  16. I went from morbidly obese to being in kind of okay shape. I got minimal interest from women before and I get minimal interest from women now.

  17. I’m not interested in meeting women, and just focusing on fixing a spine injury and continuing to make higher fitness goals, but the benefits were insane in terms of fixing chronic pain from my injury. Went from not being able to walk to lifting weights 5x per week and hiking. As for female attraction, noticed a slight difference maybe, but not what I’m after at all.

  18. My dating life went from zero to normal. Its also much easier to be extroverted when you are homogeneous/decent looking vs skinny guy with pot belly and weird haircut.

  19. Huge difference like night and day. Went from being one of those skinny guys that girls thought was weird, now girls I used to know from high school try and talk to me and ask what I do. Even random girls will ask me how often I work out.

  20. The best thing is feeling better outside of the gym, especially when you’re just leaving after your sesh and you can still feel the pump. That carries over into everyday life. All of a sudden just simple things like sitting down feels more comfortable and you feel more confident because you can hold a good posture with your shoulders square, chest popped, and abs and glutes flexed. You feel more imposing socially since you can hold yourself more squarely and upright. A lot of anxiety is induced just from your body struggling to keep itself in position in everyday life. Add some strength to your muscles and all of a sudden you’re gliding around effortlessly which taxes your body and mind much less.

  21. I’ve been getting in shape for myself, and because I let myself go a bit in school. But now that I’ve graduated I really enjoy the structure of exercising and having athletic goals again. But to answer your question, I’ve never gotten any additional attention from women I find attractive (but I feel a bit more confident so that’s something). Oh wait, one girl who saw me before and after was very nice and I appreciated that, but I think she has an eating disorder so I took that compliment with a grain of salt. However friends and family will literally not shut up about how good I look now. Honestly though, the compliments I get from them make me uncomfortable and don’t mean that much because I’ve been feeling incredibly lonely so what does it matter if I look better now? Again though, I mainly did it for me, but I wouldn’t complain if I got validation from others.

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