Just met someone on my other Reddit account I have some very mild interest in. We exchanged a few messages. They told me they prefer to chat on Instagram where they are more active. I barely know how to use Instagram and have basically no followers.

They have 4,000 + Instagram followers. We followed each other. I liked some of their stuff. They dmd me on Instagram, asked me a short question that required a kind of long answer, so I did feel I typed too much…but my msg hasn’t shown as “seen” for a couple days. They have been active on Instagram in that time, just no “seen” on my msg.

What does it mean if they ask a question then don’t read the reply?
Should I continue to interact with their content even if they don’t open my msg? Or go quiet until/if they ever reply. I still find their social media interesting regardless if they ever reply.

I’m not sure if them not opening the msg is Instagram etiquette for get lost or if they just genuinely got busy/can’t be bothered.

1 comment
  1. If they don’t see/reply to your message, consider that a no.

    They might just be busy though.
    If they reply later, you can reply back. Dating is about going with the flow of conversation.

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