I (M24) work closely with a friend (F21) at work and over the past year we’ve come to become good friends. We are at a point where we feel comfortable enough to open up to each other about whatever bothers us be it mental health or just needing reassurance about what we are doing in life. She has a boyfriend and I’m not really attracted to her in a romantic sense. The issue is that she has been having a really rough month and we have only spoken a few times during that time because we have been working in different areas so we don’t really see each other. We are also both pretty socially awkward so we have trouble communicating when it’s not just the two of us talking. Which never really happens since we work in a building with at least 60 people at a time. I can see it eating away at her and I want to show her that I care and help her, but I don’t want to overstep and make it seem like I’m trying to be a homewrecker.

Tl;dr: How do I show a friend I care, without overstepping my boundaries?

1 comment
  1. Do you text at all? Invite her for a coffee and tell her you understand she’s having a rough time and you’re not interested in overstepping any boundaries but you’re there for her to talk if she need it.

    Then you let it go. Unless she has told you the nature of her troubles, there’s not much else for you to do. It’s possible she may already be working with a counselor or someone else.

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