I’m M18, a senior in high school. My friends are all great people that I genuinely like, but I’m getting real tired of their humor and conversations lately. It boils down to solely gay jokes (e.g. “what if I jacked your dick off bro”) and the same repetitive shit for the entire school year. It was funny for the first month maybe, but now it’s straight-up annoying me. The majority of them seem to still get lots of enjoyment out of this type of stuff, but I don’t, and I don’t wanna pretend to and keep saying this shit just to make them laugh.

  1. My best advice is to stop participating. And coach your friends on what you find funny vs what you find offensive. These things may be “funny” at first but they contribute to lgbt+ people staying in the closet especially in highschool.. and are a huge turn off to people who want to be your friend and see you laughing at these things as internalized homophobia. Just looking out for you- Being young and dumb really truly isn’t an excuse to hurt people. There are many things in this world that are hilarious that aren’t at other peoples expense.

  2. Just don’t make those jokes and maybe tell them you don’t find those funny anymore without sounding rude.

    You can think of other jokes.

  3. Well you’ve got a week left until you graduate, congratulations. Now go on and find your own life with new friends, whether its in college, job, whatever. You’ll find that the friends you have in highschool most likely will wane away. And as you mature and find new interests, experiences, and hobbies so too does your friendships. Good for you for being annoyed with gay jokes…

  4. I experience the same things at my workplace. The jokes are word for word what you described. Sometimes I don’t laugh, sometimes I obviously fake laugh.
    But I think the workmates realising that I do not like these jokes only made it worse. Now not only do they find those jokes funny, but it is even funnier knowing that I am bothered by these jokes. Honestly, it is quite depressing. I could try to take a serious stand, but I feel this will only create a tense situation. So currently I am just planning to endure it until it is time to move on and find another job.

  5. Imo you shouldn’t get rid of friends just because of that. I’m sure no one in your group is sus it’s just this generations humor. Just stop laughing or some shit and you’ll be fine.

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