So, I’ve never had any girls find me attractive and it’s really starting to get to me. I am quite a shy and reserved guy and I lack quite a bit of self confidence. I think that stems from my physical disability and I just feel completely undesirable and ugly and my wheelchair certainly doesn’t help. I can’t even get a match on tinder even though I try to be as open and funny about my disability as possible in my bio. I’ve been told I’m not an ugly guy but I’m just losing hope at this point. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

  1. Go places single people go. Dating apps have a bunch of scammers anyway. Put yourself out there with every bit of confidence you can. Its hard for able bodied people on apps too. I’ve been in a chair 18 years now. Im single and have dated. It takes time to find and connect with someone. I sometimes go karaoke and usually meet a ton of people. Being present in the world lets people see you and not your chair. From behind a screen you know its quite different. Be picky too, dont settle just because. Make sure she is going to treat you right. It usually happens when you stop looking my mom used to say. Hugs.

  2. i may not have great advice to offer, but i would bet my left nut that many women have found you to be attractive. unfortunately they will rarely proactively tell you this, thus giving the impression that it never actually happened. don’t be fooled, take clues advice and put yourself out there! it’ll take some time to get into the swing of feeling yourself, but imagine how attractive it’ll be for girls to see a man who’s dealt with such great struggle still be able to enjoy himself and life. best wishes

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