So, this will be my first concert alone and I really don’t want to miss Alanis Morissette. All my friends hardly know her or just know Ironic and I love all her stuff. I am a 90s kid at heart. But I am just worried about the awkward before concert and after concert experience 😂😂 Am I over thinking it?

  1. Yes go alone. Trust me, nobody is going to the concert just to make fun of people who are going alone. Go and enjoy the concert

  2. I’ve been to a concert by myself and it was fine. Here’s a secret: nobody cares and they’re too wrapped up in their own lives to worry about you at a concert by yourself.

  3. I’ve been at a concert alone once before. Ofcourse it was not my initial idea to go alone but none of my friends could purchase a ticket since it was outsold 2 minutes after it launched. Since I was/am a huge fan tho I still went and it was a very unique and beautiful memory. So I would definitely recommend that!

  4. Definitely do it! The possibilities are endless when you’re by yourself. This is my preferred way to enjoy entertainment and travel.

  5. Nobody will notice or care dude just enjoy yourself

    Might even meet some new people there who are obviously interested in the same thing

  6. Definitely go alone. You’ll probably feel awkward at first but once the show gets going you won’t even feel like you’re alone! I saw The Shins alone and I had a great time

  7. Why would you have even a little bit of doubt about going alone? I can’t wait to afford to go concert of my favourite artist and you got a opportunity and are doubting it? C’mon you’re better than that. It’s your day . People around you don’t matter if there’s an icon on the stage.

  8. I’ve been to a few concerts alone and my experience always was that most people are in groups and too busy talking to each other to notice or care that you’re alone ! it does feel a bit awkward to wait for the concert to start especially if you’re standing up in a crowd but it’s just a feeling, most people won’t notice you. I also find that paying attention to what’s going on on stage is good way to distract yourself and look distracted, it’s always interesting to me to see the technicians running around and see how they set everything up. If there’s nothing going on on stage just look at your phone or something, I swear no one will care ! and if a few people do notice you I’m sure they’ll think wow, going to a concert alone, that’s cool !

  9. If you feel like it go …..if not don’t ! Very easy and yes you are overthinking I have the same problem but I do it with women so we end up both confused 😂😂

    Edit: I’m just kidding comedy

  10. I’ve been alone when my mum had to cancel for a gig. It was amazing, I’m really shy, even around family or friends, so the idea of having fun in front of them by jumping about and singing makes me cringe. Going alone was amazing, it was in another city so I had time to explore, I went for whatever food/drink I wanted. I didn’t feel aware or conscious of how I looked or what I was doing, I just had fun and sang my heart out.

    Waiting in line was dull and I did end up just going back to the hotel afterwards rather than staying out for a drink but yeah, I’m going to see my favourite band (green day) this month alone in Glasgow and I’m so excited.

  11. You’ll feel connected with the people in the concert because all of you are going for the concert. It’ll be a nice experience

  12. Go ahead! I went to one concert alone in March and four Netflix Is A Joke comedy shows this May. Nobody cares and everybody is there for the show. Have fun and enjoy the experience!

  13. Absolutely. I’ve gone to a few concerts alone, as well as movies and eating out. When i go alone, it’s always far more enjoyable, and memorable, than when I’ve gone with others. I highly recommend this.

  14. Honestly, just go and find out.
    Go without any expectations and be comfortable in your own company.

    I recently went to a festival alone and my experience was not good. I felt very weird and awkward and even tried to make some interactions but it didn’t work out. People don’t really come to the festival to make new friends, but i might perhaps be way more socially awkward ( an expat).

    Just go and find out, in the worst case you would come back alone (the way you went) 😂

  15. Went to a Friendly Fires concert solo dolo and ended up chatting with a few people. Don’t miss out on the memory

  16. Yessss do it!!! I go to concerts alone all the time and it’s so much fun. Trust me no one cares that you’re alone, and if someone does say something they really don’t matter. Have fun!!!(:

  17. Do it! I went to a concert by myself and had so much fun! Spend $20 on a drink and some food and spent the night having a great time. You won’t regret it!

  18. Hell yeah, you can talk about the music you’re all there to see. Or not either or the ticket is paid for I assume and even if it’s not it will still be fun

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