I’ve been with my boyfriend (26) for a little less than a year and we live together (I’m a female 27)

My boyfriend follows alot of girls on social media, and likes alot of thirst trap videos and pics. It bothers me and makes me feel crummy about myself. I have brought this up to him and asked that he doesn’t do it around me and he has agreed but now I just feel like it’s disrespectful regardless.

Why do men do this? I used to when I was single but I don’t now, because I wouldn’t want to disrespect him like that.

Anyone have any experience with this situation and have any advice?

I know girls who would literally dump a man or tell him to not do it at all but I don’t want to do that. I just want to help him understand why it is so disrespectful and hurts.

  1. First I think this issue your bringing up isn’t an issue at all, if someone is breaking up over an issue like this that is completely crazy and it kind of is that this is an issue. If he is following pages specificly with hot girl thirst traps I would say you should explain why u r upset calmly. but if they are famous or his peers there should be no issue

  2. You don’t necessarily need to get him to understand why you feel it’s disrespectful. In fact he like many others may just end up calling you insecure if that’s the approach you take.

    Instead you should reinforce that you simply find it disrespectful while in a relationship. From example like you said when you were single you used to, but now you don’t.

    Don’t needlessly limit it to a thing guys do otherwise it’s going to be harder for you to address an issue.

    There’s some context missing and it’s a fine line here where a lot of people are going to lean on you being insecure and over reaching or something like that. When it could simply be a boundary you truly have.

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