For those of you that went back to college or vocational school years after graduating High School, what was your work schedule like when going as a full time student and what kind of job did you do?

  1. I worked in computer support for a couple years, then programming for a year. I worked 20 hours a week. I lived off savings and air the first year and a half. Rented a shit room, started with an old but reliable and paid for car, ate lots of rice and beans, kept the clothes I had. My mom used to give me little gifts all the time like toilet paper and deoderant and socks.

  2. I got my Associates in a community college compressed night school schedule, 2 nights a week, 4 hours a night. Then did my bachelors online. Both allowed me to keep my regular 9-5 no problem.

  3. When I was still working full-time, I took a few classes each semester. Usually one or two weeknights and a Saturday morning class.

    As it happened, we moved in with my in laws so I could be a full-time student and not work, which is obviously not an option for everyone.

  4. I was a landscaper by day, a student by night. Worked a 7-3 shift amd classes stsrted at 5 til whenever I needed that day.

  5. 40 hour work week + 40 hour school week; classes ran from 7 AM – 4 PM (we had an hour for lunch) and I worked from 4:30 PM – 12 AM on the three weekdays I worked, as well as 2:30 PM – 12 AM on weekends. I was a grocery store sticker in a company without third shift. I did it for eight total semesters, going to school year-round for various trades—HVAC, plumbing, electrician, carpentry, you name it.

    It was a long and difficult slog, but I made it. I’m glad I did it, and I don’t want to do it again.

  6. I did a term in the Air Force after high school. Once I got out I used the Post 9/11 GI Bill to go to school.

    Assuming you’re in the US that may be a great option for you. You’ll get good experience while on active duty, and your schooling will be paid for. You’ll also get a monthly stipend while going to school, which is a huge plus.

    Just my two cents 🙂

  7. 6PM to 6:30AM, Saturday through Tuesday. I tried to take as many classes as I could on Tuesday and Thursday; this meant that my one truly sleepless day was at the end of the workweek. Alas, a couple of times I was forced to take Monday-Wednesday classes, which were truly miserable.

    Work was electron microscopy – take a defective computer chip, cut it apart with an ion beam, and mount a tiny piece of that chip onto a holder so that another technician with a Really Big Microscope can get even better pictures of the defect.

  8. I graduated high school, went to a college for a year, but dropped out and started working only to go back to college 3 years later. Ive worked at a resort as a bellman full time since the initial drop out and now im also going to college full time. They let me study or do school work while on the clock during slow hours so it helps with the lack of free time and I make a really good monthly income for what I do so it’s worked out so far.

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