I (19F) have finished high school three years ago. I don’t have frequent contact with most of the people I met there, save for four – my boyfriend, and three other friends. I’ve met a few other people through my boyfriend, and they are currently my closest friend group, and a few online (although I don’t remember quite how I met them, I have some memory issues caused by trauma). I am aldo autistic, which makes it kinda hard for me to relate to people who don’t share a lot of interests with me.

I’ve been wanting to find new friends for me – more specifically other women.
I have exactly one friend that’s a woman – but I almost never talk to her, simply because we don’t share any interests. I want to have another friend that’s a woman, with who I can share stuff I don’t feel quite comfortable sharing with my friends that are men, but also to talk about my ordinary interests like gaming and anime.

So, how does an autistic and introverted woman makes friends? I feel like I’ve always been “adopted” into friend groups and never made friends myself.

1 comment
  1. I’m 20 and Honestly I’ve found most my friends/fellow weebs through games

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