I’ve been having unprotected sex with a guy I’ve been casually dating for about 3 months now. We established we weren’t sleeping with anyone else.
He messaged me last night asking if I’d had sex with anyone else as his penis was sore and it doesn’t usually ache after sex.
We had a couple intense rounds on Saturday night, twice, using my wand but mostly on me. And then again on Sunday morning.
Obviously I’ve not slept with anyone else, but I’m not sure he believes me.

  1. Yes. It’s flesh, and can get bruised and sore with use. I know I’ve been sore and tired and it’s felt almost bruised before. But it’s not, it’s just sore.

  2. I’ve had some soreness if going at it multiple times in one day, especially if I’m extremely aroused during the act, like with a new partner.

  3. I think y’all were too intense. I wouldn’t worry about it unless it persists.

  4. Yep. You should both get tested, though. I got chlamydia once by trusting my partner. You don’t know until you know

  5. A day, two at most. He could also be testing you to see if you’re sleeping with other people. At three months, many people determine whether they want to stay for the long haul or not. Unless, you two have established to take things slow

  6. If it were burning or something he’d have something to worry about. But being sore happens. Just wait it out, maybe a week or so and don’t mess with it until it feels better.

  7. Make sure there was no yeast infection or anything of the sort involved.

    If it was particularly rough or in an odd position, or extreme amounts of teasing, there could be bruising.

  8. If its just sore, i wouldn’t worry. Thats pretty common actually. Now if it starts burning(especially if it burns when he urinates), itching or any redness or rash appears. Then he AND you need to go to the doc.

  9. Is his penis sore or his urethra when he pisses?
    Penis or muscle I probably wouldn’t worry.
    Urethra I’d go to the doctor, probably STD

  10. I failed to see the correlation between him getting sore and you having sex with others. Enlighten me?

  11. Was he wearing a condom? He may have some contact dermatitis from the latex.

  12. Usually the fleshy part above the penis is sore for a couple days if she’s riding….especially if she has an orgasm while on top….
    The actual penis can get sore if it slides out and misses on the way back in…
    If he is truly concerned about something go see a doctor.

  13. The tissue being sore is definitely not uncommon, especially since you said it was intense. Nothing to worry about. Burning is a different story.

    If y’all are worried about something, get tested. It’s never a bad idea anyway.

  14. It sure can happen. Especially after a long night. I wouldn’t say it’s super common but it can happen. It’s muscle just like any other muscle can get sore after intense activity.

  15. What’s crazy is that I can beat my meat for literally hours. And still not be as sore than having a wild night with my GF.

  16. You can hurt your dick. Shit, Dennis Rodman allegedly went to the hospital for broken dick. You gotta be having 1990’s Dennis Rodman at the height of Jordan and The Chicago Bulls mania type of sex marathons.

    He just fishing. He trying to gauge your reaction. Or maybe put that lil piece of false info out there just in case y’all come up ridin dirty in the coming days.

    Or he just likes bringing his dick up in the Convo to get you to think damn he fucked me so hard he broke his dick.

  17. It can be very sore, it’s a like a muscle and can get strained, or damaged if over used, bent the wrong way etc. I would definitely get him to go and see a doctor.

  18. did y’all get an std test before going unprotected?

    in any way – he should see a doctor if his dick aches days after sex.

  19. Are you two like, 12 years old?

    How does his penis aching have ANYTHING to do with you possibly having sex with someone else?


  20. He’s not torn his foreskin a bit has he? I know that’s happened to me a couple of times when my gf and I have been a bit eager to get going and it hurts like a bitch..

    Also, like others have said, a penis isn’t immune to damage. Extensive use (especially that of the harder nature) is bound to leave a mark

  21. Use a condom and lube will solve any issues with too much movement/friction.
    I had a similar issue with my pubic bone area when my partner and I started having really frequent sex. The skin on skin grinding would leave a slight skin burn on me. Same thing sometimes with handjobs.

  22. If you had sex more than once per day with a guy….it’s really easy to bruise the penis.

    If you both are really into it the adrenaline kicks in and you can’t tell on the penis if it hurts in the act.

    So the next day if he gets some wood it can be sore. The penis when flaccid has less blood running to it. When he starts to get hard and the blood runs to it, it can get sore.

    You both need to relax. I can understand his paranoia but it’s a completely normal thing.

    When my wife and I went to an all inclusive resort we had sex 6 times over 4 days and by the last one I noticed when I got hard it wasn’t throbbing pain but it was definitely sore.

  23. Yeah this can happen, but it’s gotta be a long session or particularly rough sex. Usually it’s my balls that are a little sore, but I prefer doggy.

    But if she’s riding on top roughly it can bruise your boner.

    Or if she’s really tight. But that one will be no mystery why your penis hurts.

  24. Mine usually feels a bit “used” for a few hours after. It’s not sore, but it feels like it’s been pumped up. (Which it has. With blood) and tingles for a few hours after.

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