What are some inexpensive hobbies that allow you to meet/interact with people and make friends?

  1. any sport really, you basically need a good pair of shoes and clothes

  2. Dancing

    Edit: Im going to expand on this a little because dancing has been a life changing activity for me. Not only do you gain a whole bunch of confidence as you get better at dancing over time. But you dancing is quite literally a universal language. I’ve traveled to many places since I’ve learned how to dance and it never fails that this is a manner in which I meet people anywhere I go. Language barrier or not. Goodluck!

  3. Go to the park and paint or draw. Even better if you all random people to let you sketch them. It doesn’t matter if you suck, just tell them you’re trying to learn. You just need a pencil and paper.

  4. If you’re remotely into board games, there should be plenty of events going on at your friendly local game store you can go to. Most people bring their own games or the stores rent them out so you don’t even have to buy any since some games can get expensive. I’ve made friends and had so many fun memories learning about and playing games that I’ve never heard of 🙂

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