How would you respond if you said to a co-worker “hey how is your day going?” and they responded “what’s it to you?”

  1. “I was trying to be friendly, but I won’t make that mistake again”

  2. I’d just keep it moving and pretend it never happened. No point in engaging

  3. Just back off, because clearly there’s something going on that I don’t want to spark.

  4. “Shitty. Got it. Have a good one.” after which i woyld proceed to fuck off.

  5. “Sorry dude, just trying to make conversation. Hope your day gets better.”

  6. “ok”

    then move on and dont talk to the person unless its required by the job.

  7. “Well, hope it gets better” walk away and not ask again. Pretty simple. I’m here for a check not for friends but that’s me.

  8. Move on and no longer engage with this person in the future unless there is a reasonable explanation or apology. But I won’t care much because I’m there to work, not make friends or psychoanalize people.

  9. I would respond with ah going that well then.
    But never asking them ever again lol

  10. Just walk away and make fun of them behind their back with other coworkers. If their default attitude is “cunt”, I promise everyone hates them

  11. Usually “Just making conversation, man.”

    Ultimately, it depends on how well I know the coworker and why I’m talking to them in the first place. It could be anywhere from silently [<backing off now>]( if I was just trying to pass the time, to [being over the top]( before getting to the point, to a full-on sit down “no seriously, what’s up?”

  12. “A matter of elementary emotional intelligence and empathic capacity.”

  13. Say, “okay bye” and walk away. But honestly I would never ask someone that because I’m not nosy. I’m the “what’s it to you” person here. Stop assuming everyone must be an extrovert and myob.

  14. Well i was worried about ur mental and emotional health and noticed u seem annoyed and aggravated. Im here to listen if you need to get anything off ur chest, “With a small touch of sarcasm”.

  15. “heyy there lil buckaroo. you OK little guy? what happened?

    tell your old buddy what’s on your mind? “

  16. Sorry to bother you dickhead… I guess I’ll keep my friendly attitude to myself.

    Have a fucking shitty day.

  17. I just wouldn’t reply, I don’t need that kind of shitty energy

  18. Surprised, I’d laugh. Have a good look at them to see if they have anything else to say. Then say ‘have a great day!’ as I go on my way. Grumpies are funny

  19. Hahaha I would just laugh and keep walking, and take a mental note not to ask them again. I worked in the trades and miserable bastards were an every day thing you just had to deal with. Some days I was the miserable bastard, some days it was others. Never thought anything of it except to just laugh.

  20. I said, “good morning” to a coworker who passed me. He said nothing back. I said “fuck you then.” And walked away. The funny thing is the next morning he said “good morning.”
    How do you want to be remembered? Ass an asshole? At work when the shit hits the fan, will your coworkers have your back? You spend more time with your coworkers than with your family, make the best of your working situation or it will not be good nor productive.

  21. ::raise hands in “whoa” gesture::

    “Okay, cool, sorry. Have a good one.”

    ::walk away::

  22. Do what I should have done in the first place… Mind my own damn f** business.

  23. daaaamn my bad just tryna see how you doing? hows the wife? the kids? the dog? the minivan? hows yo momma doing? she alright? the goldfish? they all doing good? how you doing? need a smoke? a drink? cmon man, how’s it hanging? short, shriveled, and a lil to the left? ahhhh you’ll be gucci mane we just gotta get this cash money asap rocky. well, see ya later homie.

  24. Say something like “Come on man. Really, how’s it going?”
    Cleary this person is in a funk and I’m trying to bring him/her out of it. Ill say some like “I asked. I care. What’s up?”
    This may not help but it’s worth a shot and cost me nothing but a little time.

  25. I would probably just ask “is everything all right?”

    If they replied something else weird, *then* I might reply with le epic snarky comeback and mic drop other people are suggesting, but my first response would be genuine concern.

    Edit: come to think of it, I would say anything snarky at any point. I mean, _I_ contacted _them._ I’d just stop responding.

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