I just gave up, been trying to improve for years but nothing came off of it, at highschool I tried to improve and i failed miserably and ended up getting bullied really bad and beaten a lot ( which was common since first grade lol ) people would just tell me ” its their fault not you! “, “bullies are bad its not you! “, “things will get better at college!”


i am now at college and people are just ignoring me i tried to talk to people at first they were making small talk but now i failed to make friends everyone got into their group friends and people are ignoring me i have 0 friends and had 0 friends for the past 5 years


and yeah, i also never dated i am scared of the idea of talking to women “BuT tHeY aRe JuSt HuMaNs LiKe YoU” yeah and depression is just sadness right?.

1 comment
  1. What are the skills you have tried out and how have you gone about trying them?

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