hi! sorry if its a dumb question but im new to dating apps and ive gotten mixed answers from my friends about this. basically i liked this guy’s profile on hinge and he matched with me, but ig i expected him to say something first since im the one that liked his profile first. but 2 months have passed and no one said anything. i find him really attractive & regret not talking. basically im wondering is it weird to randomly hit him up now after all this time? and does it mean something if a guy just matches with u w/o saying anything?

  1. Honestly for most people I think matches become a bit of a blur and sometimes you gotta just weed people out gradually. I would say not at all and shoot ya shot x

  2. Happens all the time. Just say hi. I’m sure he’ll be excited to hear from you if he’s still on the app

  3. Definitely go for it! Worst thing that can happen is nothing comes out of it and you are back where you are now but with validation as to whether it worked or not.

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