Asian Men, what do you think if you girlfriend asks the detail of your income?

  1. I don’t know what that has to do with being Asian, but that sounds like a woman who is trying to secure her future. Tread lightly.

  2. I generally do not talk about income numbers with girls until we’ve been dating for a long time. Financial information is personal and is only shared with partners after a level of trust has been achieved.

    Also what does this have to do with race?

  3. Bro. Strangers can ask that question. Co workers can ask that question. WTF does it mean that your GF, who you have an intimate relationship with asks about them?

    It means she’s normal?! FFS

  4. i’m asian bro.

    it’s common for arranged type of relationships but if it’s a relationship based on love, I don’t know if this would necessarily be appropriate to ask. Maybe down the road when you guys are thinking about not only merging your lives but specifically merging your incomes, it would be an appropriate question.

    if you plan to marry this person, it would be in your interest and in her interest to exchange all information. that’s how I see it. I know in the states, which is where I live, it is common for couples to keep their money separate and occasionally have a joint account exclusively for the bills and mortgage/rent.

    I have the mindset of going all in and we share the same account and put 100% of the money in, so she would absolutely know everything.

  5. Only half Asian, so I don’t get how this is relevant. Generally speaking, it’s easy to figure out that I am doing well, and it’s not because I flaunt it. And yet, I find people actually asking about it very intrusive and rude. Probably comes down to local culture; we don’t talk about money in this country.

    In an established romantic relationship, I’m fine with revealing an approximate level, including my base salary. It varies, anyway, and I won’t give you my tax statement.

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