What do you like about your body that also comes with struggles?

  1. I love my wide shoulders and it comes with back pain if i stand too long

  2. I like the fact that I’m slim but I find it super difficult to put on weight for health

  3. Me being tall coming with also having bad posture and a fucked up spine.

  4. thights and ass

    first, it took me a while to start loving it. I had ed and spend a lot of time trying to make it smaller.
    secondly, I used to live in the surrounding/country where people called me fat for it but after moving to another country and meeting other people they helped me to boost my confidence a bit.


    for now I kinda staying in an Asian country for almost 3 years (probably will have to stay for one more meh) and omg I can’t find any jeans here for my body type.

  5. My waist is 10+ inches smaller than my hips/butt. It’s a pain to find clothes that fit properly

  6. Large boobs. Neck/back/shoulder pain, never finding my size bra, stairs, running, trampolines have been a no-no since I was 10, shopping for clothes (everything looks super “seductive” on me, even when its a plain t-shirt), going to the beach only to be catcalled or have parents tell me to “cover up”, wow the list goes on and on… But damn they look good!

  7. My thighs are muscular but it’s always a struggle to find jeans that fit over them.

  8. My light-colored eyes. I like them, but I have to be extremely careful with the sun, and I’ve spent half of my life having conjunctivitis. Eyewash and shades are my best friends.

  9. I am really strong. I am capable of being even stronger. It’s fun to lift heavy things and impressive people- especially when they least expect it.

    But I have a rectangle body shape so *any* upper body weight gain in the form of muscle or fat makes me appear less feminine. And I like being more small/petite.

  10. Being really tall. I wouldn’t wanna change it bc this is the only body I’ve ever had and I’m used to it. I also enjoy not feeling as threatened by men because I’m taller than a lot of them. But damn if it isn’t hard sometimes. Shoe shopping and clothes shopping are hard, sitting on public transit or in planes is impossible without my knees in the aisle or being crushed by the seat back of the person in front of me, and my posture is awful because nothing is at my eye level, so I always hunch over, and shaving my legs is a 20 minutes ordeal

  11. Pretty much everything. Less so now that I’m an adult but when I was a teenager I hated everything about my body. In fact I hated being a girl period. I hated my boobs and how they made guys who I had been friends with treat me different, I hated my legs for the same reason. I hated my ass because it was flat and not the bubble butt that Sir Mix A lot sang about.

    Now that I’m older I love being a woman and don’t let that shit get to me. But I think in general that body struggles come with insecurity – and the older and wiser you get they lessen. Or you just stop giving an f about it. 😂

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