So idk people said that i should cut ties with girl 1 because she just hasnt been able to see me and others suggested that i try going out with both first to see who i have a better connection with. I dont know. I made a pros and cons list of the both of them and they run nearly the same but like i said previously i have yet to me girl one and though we have been texting all day today talking back and forth making each other laugh and smile i feel the same with the other girl still. Though me and this second girl met two days ago we have talked now and set the date up for thursday im excited yet feel terrible that im going to spend a day with someone other than girl one and idk still how i should feel or do. It is to note that this second girl has what she calls DPD and that does worry me should i not want to talk to her anymore. I dont want to break hearts.

Little more: sorry im not good with typing down my feelings or explaining stuff in general on here so if you have any questions let me know.

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