We’ve been dating for 6 months but we weren’t intimate till a few days ago. I just wasn’t ready till now. While we were getting intimate I noticed some weird tattoos on his back and chest. The ones on his back were names, like a list of 20-30 names. Most of them men but there were a few women. It was first and last names. And on his chest he has just X’s. Like a ton of letters X. I asked him about the tattoos afterwards but he didn’t want to talk about them. When I asked him a few days later he got defensive again and said I should just drop it. I don’t know why but I find them really weird. I want him to open up to me but I don’t know how.

  1. Those tattoos seems to have some sort meaning to him and probably is attached to a story he finds to hard to talk about. Let him tell you on his own terms not yours.

  2. You’re right, that is weird. But I bet there’s a really stupid meaning behind them and it’s not what you’re thinking. The names are probably people he slept with and the x’s are probably for every time he stubbed his toe 😂 they’re all more mysterious when he doesn’t talk about the real meaning

  3. Either this is made up or you’re dating a hitman who likes to keep score or he’s keeping track of his hookups or its absolutely nothing at all. Tattoos don’t matter and if they have a meaning then they are allowed to be kept private.

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