(59M) Have been in intimate 3-month relationship? How long should you wait to get back in the mix? Discuss…

  1. As long as it takes for you to be able to actually execute whatever you say you’re looking for.

    If you want to FWB, and you feel ready… go for it.

    If you want an actual relationship, but you don’t feel emotionally available, then you need to figure that out and do some soul searching.

    Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

  2. If it only lasted 3 months, I don’t really think you need any down time. Jump back in there.

  3. You don’t need to wait at all. If you want to date, date. Just be sure to date people you’re actually interested in, don’t lead anyone on if you aren’t genuinely interested.

  4. Entirely up to the individual but if you’re not emotionally over an ex it’s unfair to anyone new to get involved until you are

  5. Give it a week to fix your emotional baggage but maybe two weeks if everyone around you tends to know your bussiness and you don’t want your next partner to look like a rebound.

  6. There is something called moving on instantly, the only think a break up does is change your feelings and helps your heart to love carefully

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