What’s one of the craziest things that happened to you that people have a hard time believing?

  1. When I was younger I felt something pushing my head from under my pillow in bed, so I got up and looked under my pillow mattress everything. Still I believe that something strange happened and I wasn’t sleep walking

  2. When I moved into my first apartment here in Singapore I met a strange old woman who lived on the same floor as me, she looked like a very demented version of Ms Frizzle from the Magic School bus, she was insanely tall and wore an oddly colored dress that had a bunch of random patterns on it, she also smelled VERY weird that it made my head spin to be around her

    She told me to call her “Marionette” or “Mari” for short, she was suuuper creepy but also pretty nice, despite looking like she was 80+ years old she had a lot of energy, she’d keep up with me as we walked to the elevator together and we’d talk about random stuff like the weather and where I’m from and stuff, she was almost always just hanging out in the hallway or lobby when I got back from work or being out and we would talk then, even when I came back at like 2 AM she’d be there sometimes wearing the same outfit as before

    One day she stopped showing up completely, I started getting worried because she was pretty old so I asked one of the complex managers if they had seen her, they had NO idea who the fuck I was talking about, I gave them her room number and they said no one has lived in that apartment in over 3 years and that’s not even available for rent due to renovations, I asked my other neighbors and everyone thought I was completely fucking crazy and had no idea who the hell I was talking about

    To this day I have no idea who the fuck she was, where the fuck she was even staying, or what the fuck even happened to her

  3. I was having a very bad day my first year of university. I was in tears, walking back to my dorm and a man I’ve never met walked up to me, handed me a bouquet of colourful flowers, told me ‘you need these more than I do’ and walked away. I never saw him again, but I still have some of the flowers dried and pressed in one of my journals.

  4. Worked as a sex worker and I wish I could tell you how many doctors that would come in the hotel room for a 30 minute session wearing the scrubs he wore in which I assume he didn’t change… this happened many times too…. all the time in their scrubs… going on lunch break to meet up with an escort, i would hate for him to be my doctor after that lol….. its insane how many people cheat

  5. literally any of my traumas, there was a therapist i had a couple years ago and i opened up to her and she called me a liar, you really think my traumas was fun? entertaining? wtf, that’s why i don’t really talk about it unless with my husband and on reddit honestly

  6. I punched Aaron Lewis in the face when he got famous because he was being a pig and telling me and some of my friends how he’s a big Rockstar and he could fuck anyone he wants and he could fuck us and blah blah blah. Me and my friends were 15/16…. In retrospect it probably wasn’t a hard punch and it has been the one and only time I ever hit someone. Dude is a grade A asshole. The only people who like him around here are people that DIDNT know him before he got famous

  7. I feel like I mentioned this so many times on this sub, which is wild because I literally only told like 3 people in my actual life that this happened to me, but when I was in high school I was threatened at knifepoint on the school bus by a kid who I thought was my friend.
    Even I have a hard time believing that this really happened when I think back on it, and I spent so long pretending that it never did that I’m honestly not sure any more. I told my partner and he asked me why the bus driver didn’t do anything, and all I could say was “they didn’t see it” because it was held at my thigh, but then I also think “well the bus has cameras, wouldn’t they see it on camera?” And then my brain doubts my own memory. I didn’t tell anyone, so maybe they just don’t watch the cameras if they have no reason to? Idk. But it’s no wonder that people don’t always believe me if even I sometimes don’t.

  8. I met Pee Wee Herman’s parents in an airport. I don’t blame people for not believing it! They were very nice people.

  9. On a family road trip the truck in front of us had Port-a-potties on it. They fell off the truck and were used, so the smell was everywhere.
    Nobody ever believes me until I call one of my parents up and they confirm we started gagging and everything. I will crawl in the slowest lane if it means not being behind a poo or trash truck.

  10. Buzz Aldrin insulted my dying father for not wearing a tie to dinner at a resort. It seems like a pretty far fetched story but it’s 100% real.

  11. I broke into an eggsmart. It was an accident. Me and my friends were having a great time at my dad’s workplace and just entering rooms since I knew all the codes to them. We entered this warehouse and then saw a door in the far back of the room. We decided to check that out and yep, it was an eggsmart. We chilled there for a bit but left the place after some time. We left like nothing happened so that was cool

  12. One time a friend and I took a detour and ended up somewhere bizarre and there was a tall building we’ve never seen before. We knew the area generally and you’d be able to see this building pretty far and it was very weird and distinct architecture like old with stone carving and gargoyle type things up at top with dramatic arch windows up at the top. Turned a street and eventually ended up where we started. Couldnt see a building anymore and could never find that building driving around, taking the same turns, nothing online about a building in that block, Google street view, nothing.

    Wtf happened?

  13. I’ve had a weird af life so there’s quite a few of these.

    I was shot at when I was a teenager. Nothing too bad, buck shot I think? Basically we were trespassing out in the woods and being dumbass teenagers and probably stumbled on the edge of a grow op or something similar. Whoever was on watch fired a couple warning shots at us. None of us got hit but a couple of the trees around us blew some wood chips our way so it was pretty close.

  14. When I was little and not being supervised I climbed up on a kitchen island and jumped off. I didn’t fall though. Something invisible slowly put me in the ground.

    Then in my early 20’s I rode passenger on a motorcycle through a grocery store.

  15. I had an argument with Quentin Tarantino at a party when I was 10 about who was going to win the first season of American Idol.

    I won 😂 team Kelly ftw.

  16. Probably all of the details of my respiratory failure and subsequent double lung transplant. So many details are so dramatic and insane that people have thought I was exaggerating. But no, it just *was* that dramatic. My life is a sob story movie y’all. Living that 5 Feet Apart Life.

  17. I’ve been resuscitated, several times same event about 10yrs ago. I’d had a mental breakdown and taken a large overdose

    After i recovered everyone was desperate to know what I’d seen, and despite the amount of drugs I had in me people have a hard time believing it was just black nothing a complete void

    I turned my life around after that happened

  18. I was nearly abducted by aliens in high school.

    It wasn’t a dream, I wasn’t drunk nor could I have been drugged. There were 7 of us and we all agree on the details so it had to be real. We had been trail riding all day and were camping out for a couple nights (to avoid chores/parents lol). We were sitting in a clearing around a campfire when our horses started freaking out. Thinking it was coyotes, we grabbed our rifles and went to guard. It almost full dark, and the cloud cover was low. When we realized no coyotes were lurking we started looking for the cause of the horses’ anxiety and when we looked up, there were four lights slowly spinning in a stationary circle in the grey directly above us, in complete silence. It just kept getting bigger, so we figured it was headed for us, and we all jumped on our horses and rode hell-for-leather bareback to cover. When we thought to look back it was gone.

    I grew up around a military base and while I’m not ruling out that it wasn’t some military aircraft they were testing, that particular base isn’t known for it, nor would they have been that far from the base’s perimeter fence. Also, I have never known any aircraft capable of stationary or vertical flight to be anything but insanely loud.

    So ……. aliens.

  19. When I visited Egypt, I kept getting pulled over by locals so they could take pictures with me wherever I went. I don’t speak Arabic, so I couldn’t understand what they were saying to me (though the tone and mannerisms were friendly and happy). I was with a group and we had a local guide to translate for us. Turns out that apparently I bear a strong resemblance to an old Egyptian actress who was very popular in her time, and that’s why people kept taking pictures of/with me. I got a few dowry offers whilst there, too. Unfortunately I forgot the name of this actress, so it’s hard to prove that this really happened to me.

  20. Psychotic episode

    My second baby was an unplanned home birth, full term on his due date, 8 pounds, thank goodness for the fire department and the hospital being extra nice about helping us file for his birth certificate. Most importantly my son started breathing right away

  21. I had a premonition dream about a boyfriend being in a motorcycle accident a few months before he left me for another girl and both were killed on his motorcycle

  22. When my father died.

    My father died of a heart attack in his home on the lounge in 2013 and I was only 10, my mother and father spilt up a few months before but they never divorced. My mother, my two sisters and I moved into his home and strange things started to happen. At first it was a phew noises and we didn’t really notice anything until one day I was home alone and I heard someone upstairs straight away I say “ hello who’s there ? “ no one answered back and I thought I was being dumb so I went back on my iPad.. a phew moments later I heard someone walking around and I started to get really scared I said “ hello, please leave I’m really scared “ as soon as I said that they were coming down the stairs and my dad was a larger man and it sounded like a large man walking down the stairs coughing and I screamed and I hid literally as soon as they got to the bottom of the stairs there was silence. No one was there. My family didn’t believe me.

    A phew months go by and the haunting was getting worse more strange things started happening and it was kinda scary. One day my mum was telling us about how she would put down pictures of my dad and my nonno ( grandpa ) who passed when my step father would come over. She started to notice that everytime she put them down they got back up she told us when she would put them down and go into the shower they would be up after her shower all by themselves and I’m like girl u be lying. So we tried it and we all went downstairs and all were chilling in the lounge room we completely forgot about what we were doing until I mentioned it. I was the first one up the stairs to see and then I saw the bloody pictures up I started crying “ the pictures are up! “. After that the haunting got sooo much worse it wasn’t bad it was just so scary for a 10 year old. I know it was my dad and after we moved out of that house the hauntings stopped. It was just crazy at the time.

  23. My mom. Seriously, people think I exaggerate when I describe her to them. My own husband didn’t believe me until he saw her in action. She can be extremely petty, hypocritical, and down-right cruel. She holds grudges and lacks any type of abstract reasoning skills. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  24. I walked into a Chinese restaurant to pick up my order and then I stepped on a fish cracker (krupuk) that someone have dropped and I didn’t saw it till I’ve heard something crispy under my shoe and I panicked and start screaming because I thought the whole floor was breaking apart, the lady who worked at the restaurant calmed me down and said “it’s just krupuk.”

    I told this to my family when I came home with the food and nobody believed me..

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