okay so me and my gf did break up once before. it was mostly me breaking up with her because of a certain thing she did. i didn’t talk to her at all for about 2 weeks but then when she kept begging me to stay i decided to give her a final chance. now what she did in the past, gave me trust issues and i think those issues have been resolved for the most part but I’m still just not able to trust her fully. it’s so bad that whenever i see her spending too much time with someone else alone i get paranoid that she might be cheating. i even check her messages on certain social medias frequently (i know it’s an invasion of privacy but she gave me permission to do it) how do I start trusting her more?

tl;dr : i have issues trusting my gf fully

  1. if she’s breaking your trust this early on, she’s gonna of it again. there are other girls out there.

  2. You either can move past what she did, or you can’t. You can’t force yourself to trust someone. It’s instinctual. You gotta ask yourself if you wanna spend the rest of your life worrying about this same thing. Is that worth it to you? If it is, if you want the relationship, then all you can do is let it go. Any other choice and it will just cause more damage to the relationship than has already been done, and you’ll both end up resenting each other. Good luck man! I wish you the best!

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