Is wearing sunglasses while driving in daylight hours a common thing?

  1. Extremely. We aren’t called the Sunshine State for nothing.

    If your commute takes you east or west for any appreciable amount of time, they’re practically mandatory.

  2. I only wear sunglasses if the sun is in my eyes, like, I am driving east in the morning or west in the late afternoon. Some people wear sunglasses all the time when they drive though.

  3. In Florida it’s a requirement. State law! Edit: didn’t think I needed to add this, but /S

  4. Yeah. I have transitional lenses on my prescription sunglasses so I don’t ever have to change from them to prescription sunglasses

  5. I keep sunglasses in the car and put them on as needed when the sun glares in my eyes. I usually don’t need them, though.

  6. If you are somewhere that’s overcast and too dark for shades, you can get yellow/orange driving glasses that significantly reduce eyestrain as well.

  7. Yes, Jesus. And I don’t understand people who don’t. I have seen people driving Mercedes holding their hands over their eyes; it’s a MERCEDES! You can’t tell me if you can afford a Mercedes you haven’t got money for sunglasses!

  8. Yes, very common. I know what you are saying with the light sensitivity. I tend to squint when I’m driving even when it’s not bright out. When I wear my sunglasses my eyes relax more.

  9. Why is the other thread tagged as bullshit question but not this one?

  10. Yes, if you drive in the morning or evening (when most people go and come from work) then you’ll get a facefull of sun and can not see the road

  11. What kind of a question is this? Or course it’s common. It’s for safety if anything. When the hell else would you wear sunglasses?

  12. Yes, quite common.

    For me the only hang up is that I wear glasses and contact lenses for me are kind of pricey (I have an astigmatism and my eyeballs are a bit flat so I have to get special contact lenses). So I either need prescription sunglasses or contacts and regular sunglasses.

  13. It is in Arizona, since generally you’d want to see the road while driving and the sun can be blinding.

  14. Yes. I vastly prefer it. Even if I’m wearing regular glasses, they are transition so they give me a bit of the sunglasses benefit.

  15. >Is wearing sunglasses while driving in daylight hours a common thing?

    Pretty normal and common. I wear regular glasses and just use the sun visor to shade things, but I’m always annoyed when I drive someone else’s car because they often wear shades and store garbage above their visors which falls in your lap when you try to use the visor.

  16. I like being able to see, and most cars up here don’t come with tints, or if they do the tint isn’t strong enough to adequately block out the light without also being illegal.

  17. Yes even in cold states with harsh winters. The snow will reflect the sunlight and make it super hard to see so it’s a year round thing for many Americans pretty much.

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