i have been dating this girl for some time now.

She is awesome, the sweetest girl i know and there were no flags about her.

Now, a few days ago i went to her place and it was awesome like always, then I went to a bd party of my very good friend, and she went to another party w her friends.

Now, my brother is basically best friends with her, and he told me that she told him that at the party, she made out w 2 other dudes cuz she was very drunk.

She said also said to my brother that he shouldnt tell me this, and that she is gonna tell me this in person. obv he told me cuz we are bros.

She also told him, that she doesnt really want to be in a sereious relationship rn, but doesnt want to lose me and still wants to hang out w me, basically to be exclusive friends w benefits.

last week she told him that she really wants to be in relationship w me, so i guess that changed her mind.

now, what should I do? like, im not tryna brag but im very attractive guy, and a lot of girls that i know are into me, so if I wanted I could find another one very fast.

now, i feel like that if we ever got together, she would get very drunk and do this again.

also, when she was kissing another dude, her friend pulled her away and told her: “ayo what about “Throwaway5593\_”? and she said that she is too drunk and that she doesnt care.

well now she regrets it all.

but she didnt tell me any of this, she just mentioned that next time we see each other she has to tell me something.

I dont think there is gonna be a next time tho.

what do yall think?

  1. If you like spending time with her, possibly make a compromise to be non exclusive? Nothing wrong with have a friend that you fuck sometimes. If that’s off the table for either of you, I’d say you should probably just move on. That behavior probably won’t change.

  2. So she wants to be exclusive FWB, but also is trying to get with other dudes at parties?

    Byeeeeeee Felicia! You say you’re pretty attractive. If that’s the case, go get another girl.

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