If she finds him attractive and wants to talk to him how should she go about it?

  1. i just always went up to guys and said hi and complimented them on their appearance or asked what they were doing. if they blew me off, then i’ll go about my day and if they responded positively, then id talk to them and ask for their number.

  2. Grab a taser, stun him, tie up his feet so he won’t flee, and say hi.

    Or ignore the first steps and just say hi.

  3. Make casual conversation. Most men aren’t used to it so you’re likely to get a strange reaction if you come off too strong, the best approach is to be casual and give off a good vibe. If you both get along that would be a good sign to ask for his number or offer to give him yours.

  4. Walk towards him. Look directly at him and keep a smile. Say something/anything..if you are not good at starting up some casual small talk convo, then try asking a question first…or inform him about whatever…(you may even play something dumb, like, saying Hi, pretending like you think he’s your collage friend but then realizing he’s not althought “omg ya look alot like this one person i know”. Lol.)

  5. Just find an excuse to talk to him. If you work it right, he’ll ask you out and go to his grave thinking he initiated when you set the whole thing up from the get go. Yes, guys are that dense.

    Also guys do not get creeped out the same way women do. I and most guys can creep a woman out by just walking towards her. A woman not taking no for an answer is annoying, a guy not taking no is dangerous. Caveats, you have a weapon or you have a large posse with you (numbers count). So most guys are not going to feel threatened by you.

    Most decent guys will if they are not interested will turn you down gently. Pump and dumpers or rude a$$holes, well you are best rid of them early. It’s them not you. Consider that bullets dodged.

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