Hey everyone. Back in late December (yes, we’re going back pretty far!), I (25M) matched with a girl (25) on Hinge. She was the first one I matched with since my 4 year relationship ended a few months prior. I don’t mean to sound cliché, but damn, love at first sight: we had similar interests, she was funny, kind, pretty, interested in me, and so on!

At our date in early January, everything went beyond well. Something that I remember was, about 15 minutes in, she said “next time we go out…” and I thought “yup, she’s the one!” After dinner, we went to a bar and stayed there and spoke until closing. After closing, we went to get our cars, she gave me a ride to mine, and let me warm up in her car until mine was ready… it doesn’t take 2 hours to warm up a car! (Hint: we kept talking). We would’ve kept talking, but a cop came by and told us we had to leave because we were loitering. Before I left, I had a sneaking suspicion that she liked me and *almost* kissed her. The reason I say almost is because she had a pepper spray keychain and if she wasn’t interested, you can see where I think it’s going.

We spoke a bit for the next two days until I got the “let’s be friends” text. I was heartbroken, but I wasn’t going to be sour. We still text every now and again to this day and even went out once “as friends” the week following our date and after I got home, I couldn’t help but think “does she like me?” Because she sat in my car for about an hour or so after we went out and even made a few innuendos (comedically, but still).

**Here’s where I ask for advice!**

Thanks for reading my prelude! Alright, so, simply put, 1 I’m afraid of ruining what I have and 2 I honestly don’t know how to go about asking her.

1 If I truly am “friend zoned” (I truly hope not), will a “let’s go out as *more* than friends” preposition cause her to block me out of her life?

2 Simply put, we went on a date, through a dating app, and being that I’m shy in that regard, I’ve used my only avenue to ask her out up. How can I go about this?

Thank you for any and all the help you can provide!

Edit: added our ages.

1 comment
  1. You should have gotten her number on that first date as well as went for the kiss. When in doubt, opt for active instead of passive

    At this point it does sound like you’re friendzoned. But if you do wanna give it one more go, I’d treat the next hangout as a regular date and try to escalate things based on the vibe

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