before spring break this girl in my class asked for my number saying we should study together. after a little bit of texting she started revealing lots of random personal info about herself and over the course of a couple days she started saying she’ll love me forever and said that she’s written songs about me and sent me a list of all the things she’d do for me if we were dating. also the songs shes written about me weren’t actually written by her, i googled the lyrics and they’re from some disney show. she’s said she cares about me so much and has said she has dreams about me. we’ve only been texting for a week and i haven’t even told her anything about myself at all so i know she doesn’t actually like me and probably is only interested in me bc she knows i’m gay, but other than that she doesn’t know anything about me. we haven’t even spoken in person at all bc we’re in a sign language class together and the only times we’ve interacted was when we had to practice signs w each other. i feel so nervous for seeing her in person this week, i feel like it’s gonna be so awkward. this is just so weird for me, part of me feels like she’s messing w me or something bc who does this?? pretends to write songs and says she loves me after only texting for a week? or maybe she’s just really awkward herself. idk, idk what to say to her. she keeps texting me a lot and i’m not really answering that much and if i do it’s really short and i feel bad. can anyone give me an idea of what to say to her?

  1. She sounds a bit emotionally unstable but I’m sure you realize that, ive dated girls like that before too that talk about havin dreams about you n’shit and who’s to say if it’s all even true sometimes. She just really wants emotional validation it seems so you can touch on that a bit but also explaining to her that you’re not really available for any type of romantic relationship like that. Like make her feel seen and heard but also be upfront about what it is YOU want and need. If she can’t respect that, then she’s got more issues than we can get into rn. Like be cool with her. Seems like ur not a heartless person like a lot of others out there so I’m sure the toughest part here is just trying to spare her feelings but also trying to get your mental space back. Just be frank if it comes down to it. Sometimes being direct is best with these types of people. Otherwise they’ll think if they’re patient, you’ll cave at some point.

  2. this girls tapped brooooooooo, just say you’re going through some tough stuff or getting over someone else and need to be alone and that it wouldn’t be fair to her or something… a
    then kinda detach slowly because the crazy will sense any swift movement. Eventually you’ll get a clean slide out but my guess is this the girl type of crazy you’ll have to deal with for the rest of the semester and for that I say good luck.

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