Im 24f. I still live with my parents (i know, i can feel the judgements already lol) i am working hard at my own business and am starting to make decent money at it but not enough to live on my own yet. Generally i have a great relationship with my family (as long as i dont challenge their thinking or argue with anything they say lol) so living at home is comfortable. However, my family is very fundamentalist christians. My mom has expressed a deep fear of how many girls meet strangers online and have horrible things happen to them. I get that… lol but i downloaded a dating app anyways lol. I didnt tell her and met a really nice man a few days ago who wants to see me again. I havent told my mom about our meeting yet but kind of feel like i need to if i keep going out on dates with him, ill need to give her an explanation of where im going. 😬 so we did meet off bumble at a restaurant near a farmers market and we kind of walked around there after we ate. Im thinking i should tell her i met him at the farmers market but im worried that if i ever have to introduce the man to my family that he’ll not want to cover my lie and just want to tell them we met online. Sooo should i tell my mom we met on bumble (she’s so snoopy and asks so many questions i know she’ll want to see my profile etc and our flirty conversations) or should i lie and say we met at the farmers market? (And then i could look like a liar to the guy 😩)

  1. I told my parents I am who I am, this is my life, and if you don’t like it you don’t need to be a part of it

    They decided they wanted to be involved in my life and get they don’t have any say in my choices

    Having boundaries is healthy

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