Back in 2019 I moved into a dorm with one of my friends and i liked it but when living with her I started to see more things about her that I don’t like. For one thing she was constantly paranoid about getting sick and every time me or one are other friends were sick she would be rude and “keep a distance” and this was before Covid even happened. One of my other friends got the flu and she didn’t want her to come up to our room because according to her “it takes about a week for the flu to go away” even though my other friend was perfectly fine and over the flu she was still paranoid my friend had it and was gonna spread. Another thing that bugged me was that when I would take two showers a day or when I took a shower earlier in the day and decided to take another one she would always have to comment on it. She would usually say “Again? I thought you took one already?” It just annoyed me. I didn’t feel comfortable taking another shower if I wanted to because I didn’t want to deal with her comments. I waited till she left the room and waited till she left somewhere so I could take another one if I wanted. And at this time she was studying to be a nurse and my other friend mentioned that if she’s this paranoid about getting sick or catching something then she shouldn’t be a nurse because you see how bad it’s gotten present day due to Covid and how many nurses out there out put there lives on the line for people that have caught it. If she can’t handle me or someone else just sneezing or just having a normal cold then she shouldn’t become a nurse. I know this was a while ago but I just thought about it and we haven’t talked that much since we roomed together, we didn’t have a falling out but just stopped talking. June is my birthday month and I’m turning 21 and I wanted to have a small party but I thought about inviting some of my coworkers I’m cool with. I also invited this other friend of mine and we planned a hangout before the party and she’s a good friend and she’s not a bad friend in anyway where she was gossiping behind my back or anything severe like that, but all that stuff from the past when living with her has bothered me and I don’t know if I’making a big deal about it and should just let it go, or if it’s even worth bringing up.

  1. No

    Assuming this hasn’t happened in a year (or more) which your title seems to suggest, you left it too long. None of it was serious in nature it sounds like OCD mixed in with being a germaphobe. If it bothered you it should have been raised at the time, raising it now just will cause drama and make her feel attacked without just cause.

  2. I wouldn’t bother bringing it up. If she truly is paranoid and shouldn’t be in nursing, they’ll notice it too, very soon. Otherwise it just opens up the possibility of them thinking badly about you too.

  3. No, if she was paranoid she would be that way with anybody, not just you so I wouldn’t.

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