I’ll give you the rundown.

My friend invited me to join in on a music project he’d been excited about and I got similarly hyped for it. We started working on a song and things seemed great until he started flaking out on almost all of our scheduled practices. We were supposed to have a finished demo ready to go about two months ago, but I’ve realized now that this is just the way he does things and we work on two very different wavelengths. He’s very “type B” where I tend to be very “type A.” I still love him as a friend and he’s a great guy, but I don’t think he’s a great working partner.

Point is, I feel like I need to express to him how I feel about our lack of motion on this project but I don’t want to be dickish or passive-aggressive about it. I’m starting to look into joining a different band, one that’s a little more “together” while I let the project with my friend be more slow moving and chill. If I’m being honest, I don’t really expect the guy to change, and I don’t want to force him into being something he’s not. I value our friendship more than our working partnership.

Point is, I’m hung up on what I should tell him. I feel like it’d be passive aggressive if I didn’t say anything and just started up a band with other people.

On the flipside, if I were to be up front I don’t want it to turn into some kind of “breakup” thing where I’m leaving him and the project forever.

Am I being silly and overthinking this?

1 comment
  1. Join another band.

    a lot of musicians Collab and don’t end up finishing the song cause the other artist is either dealing with life during that time or is just purley unmotivated.

    You gotta work with artist that push you to be a better version of yourself. You can still rock with your friend on the project but, you’re doing it just for fun. Two friends rocking out and making a project throughout the year. While you’re working on stuff with the other band.

    just tell him that you want to take it serious and are looking into working with another band.

    I do believe however that by you telling him that you want to work with another band and do this for real, it’ll rub off on him and make him want to start being serious too. You gotta hold each other accountable. If he’s lacking something tell him. If you’re lacking something he should tell you. It’s the only way y’all are gonna get better

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