How do I avoid solving this problem with violent hatred? Just kidding.

Sometimes we are forced to be in sustained situations with people that we just do not get along with, not because they’re mean to you but you’re in a position where you *have* to respect them, and there’s nothing they do that is objectionable or even bad, but you *just don’t get along with them*. Maybe you’re forced to be in the same office with them, or encounter them at the same interval of time of each week, maybe you rely on something they do that you need from them.

Whatever it is, we’re unable to escape this unless we quit a job, drop out of school, begrudgingly abandon our favorite hobby or it could even be family.

How do you *deal* with that? What do you do with people that you *just don’t like*?

  1. Smile. Nod. Give casual compliments Have phrases like, “I hear you,” and “That’s not going to work for me, but thanks.” Don’t look them in the eye, keep your hands busy so you don’t have to do more than acknowledge they’ve spoken. Don’t share ideas, thoughts, feelings, plans, meals, etc. Don’t borrow or take their things. Don’t have an opinion about them you share with someone else, it will get back to them. Accept annoyance and let it go – it could get worse.

  2. You dont need to socialize with them. If its just for work then do what needs to be done with them and that’s it

  3. Keep business and personal opinions separate. I have some of those coworkers. I try not to speak about them and only occasionally speak to them.

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