Me and my gf got into a drunk fight at a party. We both got mouthy and I decided to tell her that her family are bullies and that they cause problems in our relationship. I said this because they never let her take time off or go with me anywhere. We are 25. Everything we do involves them.
Her siblings also like to put me down and make fun of me because I’m not a big alcohol drinker.

She got pissed. Told her parents. They now hate me and she had to break up with me because of it.

She never gave me a chance to explain why I said what I said.

I’m heart broken.

  1. You should be grateful. Sounds like her family and maybe she is toxic and you dodged a bullet.

  2. You tell her that her family bullies you and disrespects your boundaries. She immediately tells them and they make her break up with you. She literally just proved you right.

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