I am in my 30s and do not have a lot of time and use dating apps however i known i shouldn’t. How worth while is facebook dating.

  1. I use okCupid, tinder and hinge but hinge has been pretty awful for replies

  2. I had the same results with Facebook dating as I do with other dating apps. I’ve never gotten a match on dating apps.

  3. Tried it for a week but didn’t like it at all. The app isn’t that popular in my country, so there aren’t a lot of users on it. But anyway, almost all the likes I received were from women I wasn’t interested in. They were mostly single moms, and that’s not my preference. The app actually has a filter for that, but a lot of single parents just check the “doesn’t have kids” box so they won’t get filtered out. The only good thing I can say about it is that the app is free, but for me it was a waste of time.

  4. Different apps yield different results for people in different areas. For me, I can find matches on Facebook dating but they tend to be pretty far from me. Someone mentioned finding their spouse on Bumble whereas, for me, I’ve only met one person on bumble and that was a year ago. Bumble is probably the worst app for me personally in terms of meeting people. Tinder is obvious tinder and I can match with people fairly consistently. Then there’s hinge which I feel leans the most on where you live. I rarely matched with anyone in the last place I lived whereas where I live currently, the girl I’m talking to now is from Hinge.

    I say all this to say you kinda just have to pick your poison and see how it works for you

  5. It’s one of my favs. FB Dating, Match and Bumble have resulted in the best results for me.

  6. It’s fine. I probably get most of my matches on that app simply due to the fact it allows so much more swiping. I will admit (at least in my area) that people seem to be a little more ‘trashy’? If that’s the word? But that’s just on average, I’ve matched and met with plenty of educated people with good jobs on fb dating

  7. I tried it out briefly out of curiosity, and because it seemed interesting to date people when they needed to be tied to a social media account. Without being socially significant though any dating app will just be filled with people looking for literally any option to meet people and it seemed like a fairly desperate demographic.

    Most women who matched with me on there were Chinese spam/bots; a few seemed real but they were just very uninteresting people.

  8. Tinder worked best for me. In 2020 I split up from a 5 years relationship, and installed Tinder.

    At 30yo and with a son, I was able to go to around 7 dates in 4 months and met quite a lot of people online.

    Fun to say, that I met my current girlfriend totally outside of dating apps!

  9. Yes i have my son full time. Its work, my sons after school and trying to find for me is hard and is usually at home so im there with him. Which is why im starting to get the view dating is pointless right now

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